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November 3, 2016

New 101 in 1001

Happy Thursday! A few days ago I shared with you all an update on my 101 in 1001 challenge that ended on September 28th. One reason I loved having this challenge was because they were goals that I could make for myself over the months and the years that this challenge was going on since it was throughout 1,001 days. Towards the end of the challenge I realize
d how I made quite a few goals that were not practical or weren't actually obtainable at this current season in my life. It made me want to start a new list of practical goals that I actually thought I could accomplish within this new time frame and this season in my life. So, I am so excited to share my new list with you all!

Start Date: November 1, 2016
End Date: July 29, 2019

1. Read whole bible
2. Read 12 books in 12 months
3. Memorize scripture each month: 33 months total (0/33)
4. Meditate on that scripture each month
5. Prioritize morning quiet time
6. Volunteer five times (0/5)
7. Start a prayer journal for my children
8. Start praying for guidance for when and where to adopt from, if it's Gods will
9. Finish 30 Days of Understanding the Bible by Max Anders

For Others:
10. Pay for someone in the drive thru
11. Send Birthday Cards to Friends/Family
12. Take a meal to someone that just had a baby
13. Host a holiday party
14. Reconnect with an old friend
15. Send four care packages (0/4)
16. Send someone on a surprise trip (I know who, just don't want them to read this)
17. Host a bible study in our home for married couples

18. Celebrate 2, 3, and 4 years of marriage
19. Have our first baby
20. Have date nights more frequently
21. Take a cooking class
22. Take a weekend getaway
23. Read the Christmas Story every year leading up to Christmas
24. Do an Advent Devotional each year
25. Do Lent- Don't take something away, instead add a habit/help others
26. Celebrate Reese's 25th Birthday (Feb. 2017)
27. Go camping
28. Go hiking
29. Take Tucker hiking
30. Take Tucker camping
31. Go on a picnic
32. Start putting money aside for an adoption

33. Unplug from social media for five weekends (0/5)
34. Start running
35. Run a 5k (maybe a 10k?)
36. Complete a 30 day fitness challenge
37. Go to a yoga class
38. Go to a pure barre class
39. Get two massages (0/2)
40. Get pedicures more frequently
41. Do something fun for my 25th Birthday (Mar. 2018)
42. Learn how to curl my hair (to my liking, lol)
43. Finish watching Nashville
44. Give up fast food for three different weeks, at least (0/3)
45. Give up fast food for one whole month
46. Continue perfecting my handlettering
47. Learn what blood type I am

48. Pray about where the Lord wants me
49. Be obedient with what the Lord has planned
50. Complete any extra schooling I may need (masters for teaching)

51. Do a series with another blogger
52. Update my blog design
53. Have a guest write on my blog
54. Write on another persons blog
55. Make Friday posts every week
56. Start doing monthly goals again
57. Do five OOTDs (0/5)
58. Complete a year recap for each full year of this challenge (2016, 2017, 2018)
59. Start a blogging calendar/prep for each month
60. Inspire someone to start a blog

61. Go out to the west coast (Seattle, LA, San Fran, San Diego)
62. Go out of the country
63. Go to NYC during Christmas time
64. Fly a kite
65. Go to the drive in
66. Go hiking with friends/bible study girls
67. Visit 5 new cities
68. Go on a cruise
69. Go to the Grand Canyon
70. Go to Yellowstone
71. Try 5 new restaurants in Lexington (0/5)

72. Get a DSLR
73. Learn to use DSLR
74. Get a new computer
75. Learn how to design blogs
76. Learn how to edit photos/make collages for blogging
77. Make photo albums- honeymoon, 1st year of marriage, 1st year anniversary trip
78. See a broadway show (Wicked)
79. See The Rockettes in NYC
80. Do DIYs (0/3)
81. Make my own devotional
82. Start recipe box
83. Find signature lip color
84. Become First Aid Certified
85. Pay off all my student debt
86. Pay off all of our debt combined
87. Get a tattoo
88. Get a new car
89. Buy a house
90. Learn how to make spaghetti sauce from scratch
91. Collect an ornament from each place we travel to
92. Learn how to arrange flowers
93. Plant a garden that thrives
94. Update my passport with my new last name
95. Get wedding pictures printed on canvases to hang
96. Decorate kitchen
97. Perfect my cleaning schedule
98. Stick to that cleaning schedule
99. Go to a woman's UK Basketball game
100. Unsubscribe from emails I don't want to receive
101. Wake up for a week without hitting the snooze button, do this four times (0/4)

What would you put on your 101 in 1001 list?! If you have a list, I would love to see what you're trying to accomplish and encourage you.

November 1, 2016

101 in 1001 Update

Happy November! So excited for this month to be here. October flew by, but I am excited for the holiday season to be upon us. Now if the weather here in Kentucky would just act like it was fall!

My first 101 in 1001 list ended on September 28th, and I hadn't done an update on it in awhile so I decided to share with you all things I have accomplished.

101 in 1001 Update:
2. Read- I read Lets All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs. She is such a great author, and I feel like I am right there with her listening to her stories. Definitely check her out if you haven't yet!

6. Baptize someone- In March I was able to baptize one of my girls that I led in a bible study through my college fellowship that I was apart of and now lead as a community leader. It was so amazing to see her grow so much and to see what the Lord is doing in her life!

42. Meet a blogger- In April I was able to meet Megan from Simply, Meg (she hasn't blogged in awhile, but that's okay). We had a wonderful time talking about everything at our favorite place, Starbucks. We are so similar and I cannot wait to meet up with her again!

55. Go camping- For our anniversary we went to Charleston and on the way back we stopped in the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee and camped. We slept in our ENOs and it was definitely a new adventure for me not being in a tent, but I did have fun and can't wait to camp again. 

70. Get a puppy- On August 24th, 2016 my dream came true of getting a puppy. We weren't sure if we wanted to get a dog from the shelter or one that was bred, and realized that we needed to look around often at shelters because puppies were adopted very quickly. One day we went to our local shelter, saw Tucker, and couldn't leave with out him. We've had him for a little over 2 months, and we have loved every second of it. I will definitely be doing a post about what its like to have a puppy soon!

71. Exercise more often- At the beginning of this summer I definitely was exercising at least 3 times a week. I would just look up YouTube videos and watch them. One girl I really liked was Love Sweat Fitness. She had a lot of options and variety for every area that you would need to work out. The videos weren't too long and I could easily do them at home with some dumbbells. 

Stay tuned for a new 101 in 1001 coming later this week! Cannot wait to see what I accomplish in this next one.

What are some goals that you want to accomplish? 
Do you have a 101 in 1001 list??

October 24, 2016

Weekend Recap Vol. 2

Today I decided to share with you all my weekend recap through the eyes of my snapchat.

Friday night I had family in town and we went to spend some time with them at their hotel. Every year they come home to visit in October because of the horse races at Keeneland. It was nice seeing them and catching up. I didn't get any pictures with them, but the one I did get was my sweet husband pumping my gas for me. Every time he is in the car with me, he always does it. Husband points!
Saturday I woke up to a really sore throat and so I decided that it was a day to take it easy. Reese fixed breakfast for us. I was expecting just biscuits or cinnamon rolls but he decided to cook homemade biscuits and gravy. Definitely one of my favorite breakfast foods! I am more of a savory person for breakfast. Which do you prefer, savory or sweet?!

I then rested and took a nap after breakfast. I got some laundry done during times I felt up to even standing up. I was definitely grateful for my sweet husband because he cleaned up all of the dishes from breakfast and got the kitchen clean. Saturday night Reese's friends came over to watch the UK Football game. We don't have a ton of seating in our living room, so I took it as my time to spend alone. I organized my scarves because I finally had gotten Reese to hang up my hooks. I also had some nice hot tea with one of my favorite fall candles burning! Then I got on the computer, did some blogging and just looking around online.

I also decided to start my christmas list! Reeses family always asks for a christmas list at Thanksgiving, and typically I am always rushing the night before to have one ready. I decided earlier this summer to start putting in my notes on my phone or taking a picture of things that I would put on my list. That way I remember what I've been wanting throughout the year and can easily put a list together. I'm one who would just love gift cards to places, but his family loves to actually give gifts. What is on your christmas list this year?? While resting, I decided popcorn sounded good and what guys don't love popcorn! So I made us all some homemade popcorn! It's the only way we make it, and its so good.


On Sunday, I didn't end up going to church so that I could get more rest. Tuck kept me company while Reese was gone. We then played some games while watching football... what else do you do during the fall season?! Lol We decided to take Tucker to the dog park, which he LOVES! And we picked up a dominos pizza on the way home after seeing a commercial for a 3-topping large for $7.99. We think thats a deal! We watched some shows after dinner and then budgeted, which included planning out Christmas! 62 days guys! So excited to spend my 2nd married christmas with my sweet husband, and now we have a puppy to include!

What did you do this weekend?

September 22, 2016

The Blogtember Challenge: Days 19, 20, 21

Hi friends, here is the second post to my catching up on Blogtember. I definitely think that this post includes some fun topics/ideas. And I cannot wait to share them with you all!! 

Monday, Sept. 19: A list of your favorite blog posts you've written.

1. Exciting News (Here

2. Living in the Kingdom Era (Here)

3. 6 Things I Have Learned in 6 Years (Here)

4. An Amazing Two Months (Here

5. Monday Morning Realizations (Here

6. Answered Prayers (Here

7. All of my Wedding Picture Posts- Pre-CeremonyFirst LookCeremonyReception
How couldn't these posts be my favorite?! I loved sharing with you all about the best day of my life! And I loved getting to go through all of the pictures again. Pictures are just so special to me, and I know I'll have them to look back on for years to come and so with my children and grandchildren. 

8. Blogtember Challenge: Day 9- World Travel (Here)

What are your favorite posts? What makes these posts your favorite??

Tuesday, Sept. 20- Something you wish more people knew or believed.

I wish that people knew/believed... how important it is to care about people. To not judge people based on how they may have treated you or their attitude. You truly never know what others are going through. I try, when I go into stores/restaurants, to be the nicest I can be to the workers. I know that retail/food are not easy jobs to have due to the customers and how everyone is so demanding. People should stop for a second to take time to thank or share their gratitude with those who are making it possible for them to go to Target, get their PSLs, or eat at their favorite restaurants. Life isn't easy, everyone knows that. But constantly nagging people because you want something better isn't the way to share love with the world. We need to share love with everyone around us, all around the world. Jesus shared his love with us. He shared his love by dying on a cross to save us. Thats what we need to share with the people around us, especially if they don't know Jesus Christ! That's what I want people to know and to realize. WE NEED JESUS, because all other and greater things can come through Him. He will show us how to have Peace on Earth!

What do you wish people knew or believed??

Wednesday, Sept. 21- If you were a flavor of ice cream, which flavor would you be and why?
If I were a flavor of ice cream, I would be... Double Chocolate Chip (from Graeters)!

To be honest, I probably wasn't a true American around like 2 years ago cause I really didn't like ice cream - weird, I know! But I married into a family who LOVES and is ADDICTED to ice cream! Lol So I kinda had to give in and try to like it. Needless to say, I have come to like it, but me being me has become picky and I only truly like Graeters Ice cream. My favorite go-to flavors are Double Chocolate Chip and Black Raspberry Chip.

What are your favorite flavors of ice cream??

Thanks for sticking with me through these past two posts while I catch up! 
Now onto todays post... :)

The Blogtember Challenge: Days 15, 16, 17

Happy first day of Fall!! Today I am catching up on the posts I haven't gotten completed. I will have two posts of catch-ups. Btw, I'm SO excited that we can finally say its FALL! Now if the weather here in Kentucky would just realize that is fall and not be so hot. But let's move onto the posts...

Thursday, Sept. 15- What is the craziest adventure you've ever been on?

To be honest, I really don't feel like I've been on a crazy adventure. I am a pretty cautious person, and prefer to stay in my bubble of this comfortable life I have. It's kind of sad that I don't have a crazy adventure to share with you all. But I would love to do something spontaneous, that even surprises me in the future. It is my goal/hope in my life to go out and do something I've never done before, to grow myself and become more courageous and confident as a person. 

What's the craziest adventure that you've been on? 
Or what adventure is currently waiting you?!

Friday, Sept. 16- How do you de-stress/take care of yourself?

Picture Credit
When I think of de-stressing, I think of myself as just relaxing. I like to listen to music, drink sweet tea, and just stop and think. It's definitely something that I'm trying to involve more in my life because it can be common for me to let the stress overtake me. De-stressing is so important. When taking the time to de-stress you're able to realize how you're blessed in this life and what exactly the Lord has given you, to be able to Praise Him. I love praying in my journal. I like the opportunity to look back and see how the Lord answered prayers, or maybe even didn't answer prayers and how I grew from the experiences I went through. So basically, I love to relax to music and prayer.
How do you de-stress?! What are your favorite things to help relax you??

Saturday, Sept. 17- Vlog!

I wasn't able to complete this on this specific day because I was laying on the couch with a head cold... which I still have some of almost a week later. I do want to try and complete a vlog before the end of The Blogtember Challenge, though, so I will try my best to and will post it here! Someone hold me accountable to that?! (Anyone else nervous/anxious to put themselves out there through video???)

Thanks for sticking with me through my blog post catch-ups. Its a goal for September to complete the entire Challenge, and I would love to show myself that I am capable of doing so!

If you're doing The Blogtember Challenge, how do you keep up with the posts??

September 18, 2016

The Blogtember Challenge: Day 18- Product Simplify

Happy Sunday, friends! Hope you all have had a nice restful weekend. I know I certainly have... I've been dealing with a cold that has just knocked me out! Hopefully I'll be able to rest up some more today to prepare for this week of tutoring and subbing!!

Sunday, Sept. 18: One product that simplifies your life.

There really isn't too many products that do help to simplify my life. And when I think about it, I really don't use products that complicate my life either. But after some thought, there is one product that has made my skincare routine a lot easier! 

The Philosophy Purity Face Wash is perfect for me! I have been using it for years now, and it makes washing my face at night - ya know, when all you want to do is go to sleep - a lot easier! What I love most about it is that I can use it on my eyes and it's never irritated them... and for me that means a lot less products I have to use! It always takes all of my makeup off and leaves my skin feeling so fresh and clean. This product definitely is a great way to end the day and to keep my skin healthy!! 

Picture Credit
What skincare do you use?!
And what product helps to simplify your life??

September 17, 2016

The Blogtember Challenge: Day 14- Mood Board

Yay, Hump Day!! Hope you all have had a wonderful week so far, I'm definitely ready for the weekend! I've started to add on more subbing and on Monday and Fridays I tutor for a family. It's a nice little schedule I have going on. And I have to say that my Monday and Fridays have become quite relaxing and simple, which is very nice to have.

Wednesday, Sept. 14: Make a mood board! Are you brainstorming a room re-do, a capsule wardrobe, or already planning for the holidays? Show us your ideas! 

Gosh, there are so many mood boards that I could make! I love to daydream. There are so many things that I am excited to do in my life and with my family. So many memories that I cannot wait to make! 

One // Two // Three // Four // Five // Six
What are you dreaming about right now?! Enough to put it on your mood board?

P.S. So sorry that I am behind... its been an exhausting end of my week! 
Getting back on schedule today :)

September 13, 2016

The Blogtember Challenge: Day 13- Switch Lives with Someone for a Day

Whenever I get asked these questions... I just never know the answer. There are so many awesome people in the word, both past and present! I'm always drawn to woman who have started their own business, who work hard and have kids/families, or stay at home moms. A lot of that is because those are things in life that I aspire to have.

Tuesday, Sept. 13: If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? Why?

So for today, I have decided that I would want to switch lives with Kari Jobe for a day. She is one amazing singer! I sang in the choir in middle school and high school, but never was I good enough to have a singing career. Plus what person hasn't wanted to be a singer/song writer before in their life?! She goes out and speaks truth to other women about our Savior. Kari has such a gorgeous family, and is still able to do what she loves and what God has given her the ability to do to share his love and truth to the world. But yah, that is pretty much it.. she's just to fun to watch sing and I can't imagine what it would be like to be able to be surrounded by the people she's with for work. 

Pictures from her Instagram @karijobe
Who would you want to switch lives with for a day?!

September 12, 2016

The Blogtember Challenge: Day 12- Three Books!

Happy Monday! I'm definitely not a book worm, so when I read books it takes me quite awhile. The only book I've ever read really quick was The Fault in Our Stars, which was like three summers ago. I definitely wish I was more of a book reader and could read them quicker, anyone have any suggestions?

Monday, Sept. 12: Three books! One you just read, one you're currently reading, and one you want to read.

Just Read: Lets All Be Brave by Annie Downs

Currently Reading: A Woman's Heart for God by Sheila Cragg

To Read: A Mary Heart in a Martha World 
Books that are also on my list to get & read:
Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist
On Asking God Why by Elisabeth Elliot
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

What book suggestions do you have for me?!

September 10, 2016

The Blogtember Challenge: Day 11- Favorite Instagrammers!

Happy Sunday! First off, I want to send my prayers to anyone who may be having a difficult time with 9/11 today. I cannot believe that that was fifteen years ago. It's definitely something that brings us all together here in the United States. I urge you to enjoy time alone with the Lord today and praise Him for all that He has given you/done in your life!

Sunday, Sept. 11: Round up of your favorite Instagrammers! Who should we follow?

Let me just say that I LOVE INSTAGRAM! I am not a Twitter person, tried that and I'm really not a Facebook person except for the times when I want to see/post multiple pictures. So this post today is right up my alley, and I have quite a few people to share with y'all!! 

These instagrammers that I am going to mention are typically bloggers as well! They definitely inspire me and make me want to be more adventurous, spiritual, a better woman, a better wife, make me want to have kids, etc. etc. I love seeing what they share on a daily basis. The first three ladies that I am mentioning have all started their own business, and its definitely something I aspire to do and have on my goal list in my life!

Picture Credit

Nicole Cole- Nicole and her husband have a photography/video productions business called 314 Productions. If I lived closer to her, I would have definitely used them for my wedding and for all future things. They also are adopting a baby and are pregnant with one! I just have always learned so much about the Lord from Nicole, and the way she lives her life is so pure and centered for the Lord. Definitely go check her out, your heart will thank you! 

Instagrams: @nicolevcole & @314productions

Picture Credit
Gretchen Saffles- Founder of Life Lived Beautifully. She is amazing! She is so inspiring and just wants to pour Jesus' love into everyone around her. She is always pouring scripture out to her readers and followers. Such a blessing in my life, and truly inspiring for me. I would love to one day write up a devotional like she has done for us ladies! Please, please go check her out and her items that she works so hard and puts so much love and Jesus into. 

Instagrams: @gretchensaffles & @lifelivedbeautifully

Picture Credit
Rachel Cox- Rachel blogs and also has become a BeachBody Coach. I love her as a coach because she wants to share Jesus through her business and coaching. She wants ladies to learn to glorify the Lord through their health/fitness. So inspiring and good for our souls! Please go check her out. 

Instagrams: @mrsrachelcox & @wholeandfree_

Picture Credit

Bailey- Well who wouldn't love Bailey? She's planned out this Blogtember Challenge for us and I'm loving it! She is so creative and makes me want to get my creative juices flowing. Bailey just seems like such a fun person, and now she's a teacher (Go Teachers! Elementary Ed Teacher right here!) She also seems so devoted and motivated to things that she works on. She just is someone who I am always so excited to see her Instagram/Blog posts.

Instagram: @lovebaileyjean

Picture Credit

Ashlyn Carter- I found her somehow on YouTube. She is a mom of three and makes videos about pretty much anything. She loves the Lord and is so open and honest with her viewers about how she is feeling and what the Lord is teaching/showing her during this time in her life. 

Instagram: @ashlyncarter

Hopefully I shared someone new to you all, but these girls are so awesome they may already be on your list!

Who are your favorite instagrammers?! 

The Blogtember Challenge: Day 10- A Day in my Life!

Happy Saturday! I'm excited for this weekend because we literally have NOTHING planned and thats the first time that we haven't been doing things since April. During this season of my life my summers consist of weddings... this year we had 7! So exciting, but definitely exhausting for this introvert of a homebody.

Saturday, Sept. 10: A day in your life! Take us through it with you by sharing a photo each hour of the day.

Started off my morning at 7:45 am taking Tucker outside.
10:30 am- Getting ready for the day. Tucker loves to sit in and watch me get ready. And then midway through I had to take a break to play with him. 

11:30 am- We went out to run a few errands. To be honest, I completely forgot to take any pictures of us in stores or what we were doing. But we went to Pets Smart, Best Buy, and Bath & Body Works. We got Tucker a new leash and I finally got me some fall candles! 
The scents I got were Pumpkin Woods, Autumn Sunshine, and Pumpkin Apple. Yay for Fall! 

12:58 pm- Lunch at Chipotle

1:20 pm- A little Starbucks treat before we headed home.

2:05 pm- We are relaxing, watching football games!

3:30 pm- Kickoff!! GO CATS (yes... our football team isn't the best, but gotta support them!)

5:27 pm- Halftime walk! It was quite difficult getting a picture with everyone... and then there was the wind, so excuse the hair! #reallife

7:28 pm- We decided to go get Thai food for dinner and bring it home. 

7:52 pm- Reese called to tell me it was going to be a 50 minute wait for take-out... clearly we didn't want to wait that long. 

8:28 pm- We decided to get Panda Express (definitely not my favorite...) and it took forever because they kept messing up our order. Oh well... at least we finally got to eat. 

11:45 pm- Finally off to bed! I'm exhausted.

I've really enjoyed sharing my day with you all today. And it felt so good to keep on top of things. How do you all normally share A Day in Your Life? Do you do every hour, a few times a day, etc?! I'd love to do this again!! 

What did you do today?!

The Blogtember Challenge: Day 9- World Travel

Yay, it's Friday!! We've finally made it through our short week.

Friday, September 9th- If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

This is a tough one! There are so many places I want to visit in the world, both in the U.S. and International. I think for this post though I am going to share some places I really want to travel to in the U.S. One of my goals is to travel to all 50 states and I also want to visit a lot of the National Parks. They're so beautiful, and so worth seeing! Some of these places I don't necessarily have a reason for wanting to visit... I just want to. Lol

one // two

One. Acadia National Park in Maine - I found this National Park when looking up all of the different parks in the US. I also have always heard about a certain place in the US where you could see the sunset for the first time, and that is at Cadillac Mountain. Definitely look up this Park if you're into hiking and the outdoors! Hoping that we're able to go to this place in the near future.

Two. San Francisco - Who doesn't want to go to San Fran?! Reese was able to go recently for work, and I am just dying to get out there! I love traveling around new cities, seeing the touristy places and the local spots. 

three // four 

Three. Grand Canyon - Because its just plain breath taking and leaves you speechless. Praise Him for this amazing place that He has given us to enjoy in His presence!

Four. Seattle - I know that its supposed to be a super rainy place, but I kind of think that this place is just a place I would enjoy. 

What places should I put on my Must Travel To List, especially in the United States, so that it is easier to travel to?!

September 8, 2016

The Blogtember Challenge: Day 8- Home Tour!

Happy Thursday! I'm excited to share with you all our new space that we've only been living in for a month now. I do have to admit that we've been very busy and haven't hung all of our decor yet, but I definitely will post updates when that is done! 

Thursday, September 8th- A house/apartment/room tour! 

This new space that we have has just been a blessing. Our first home together was great, but it ended up being quite small (700 sqft.) and had a lot of plumbing issues. So we are so grateful for this new space and excited to make it our home! There is still so so much organizing to do because we have so much space that I don't even know what to do with it! But it'll all be organized very soon. 
Our first picture together at our new home. This was on moving day about a month ago! 
Our living room definitely needs our personal touch added to it, but as y'all can see I have all my decor lined up and ready for my sweet husband to get his tools out!
Our kitchen is so open and has so much storage! I have a few things that I want to add around the table, but not too much needs to be done to this space.
Our back patio makes me so excited! I have such fun plans for this space and cannot wait to spend fall evenings out here with our new puppy and our friends. Lets just say that outdoor string lights will be added to this space. *Insert excited emoji*
And last but not least, our bedroom. I love this space! It is so open and has so much potential for decorations. I definitely want to get one of our wedding pictures printed big to put above our bed. And I have other ideas for this space as well! Also, does anyone have any suggestions/ideas for nightstand organization?! I hate that they always end up so junky! Lol

There you have it, our home! I can't wait to share an update with you all once we get things hung up and more decorated! Hopefully I'll be able to add some fall touch to this place as well. 

Anyone have any suggestions for how I should decorate our home? 
What do you love to put up for the fall season?!