I have decided to complete the 101 in 1001 for the second time! I cannot wait to see what I accomplish with this list, and I believe that it is way more practical than my last one.
Start Date: November 1, 2016
End Date: July 29, 2019
1. Read the whole bible
2. Read 12 books in 12 months (4/12): The Magnolia Story, Grace Not Perfection, The Story of God the Story of Us, Love Your Life Not Theirs
3. Memorize scripture each month: 33 months total (4/33)
4. Meditate on that scripture each month
5. Prioritize quiet time
6. Volunteer five times (0/5)
7. Start a prayer journal for my children
8. Start praying for guidance for when and where to adopt from, if it's Gods will
9. Finish 30 Days of Understanding the Bible by Max Anders
For Others:
10. Pay for someone in the drive thru
11. Send Birthday Cards to Friends/Family
12. Take a meal to someone that just had a baby- December to a lady that I lead bible study with and March to friends.
13. Host a holiday party
15. Send four care packages (1/4)
16. Send someone on a surprise trip (I know who, just don't want them to read this)
17. Host a bible study in our home for married couples
18. Celebrate 2, 3, and 4 years of marriage
19. Have our first baby
20. Have date nights more frequently
21. Take a cooking class
22. Take a weekend getaway
23. Read the Christmas Story every year leading up to Christmas
24. Do an Advent Devotional each year (2016)
25. Do Lent- Don't take something away, instead add a habit/help others
27. Go camping
28. Go hiking
29. Take Tucker hiking
30. Take Tucker camping
31. Go on a picnic
32. Start putting money aside for an adoption
33. Unplug from social media for five weekends (0/5)
34. Start running
35. Run a 5k (maybe a 10k?)
36. Complete a 30 day fitness challenge
37. Go to a yoga class
38. Go to a pure barre class
39. Get two massages (0/2)
40. Get pedicures more frequently
41. Do something fun for my 25th Birthday (Mar. 2018)
44. Give up fast food for three different weeks, at least (0/3)
45. Give up fast food for one whole month
46. Continue perfecting my handlettering
47. Learn what blood type I am
48. Pray about where the Lord wants me- May 2017 definitely have been doing
49. Be obedient with what the Lord has planned
50. Complete any extra schooling I may need (masters for teaching)
51. Do a series on my blog- WWJD: Posts can be found here.
52. Update my blog design
53. Have a guest write on my blog
54. Write on another persons blog
55. Make Friday posts every week
57. Do five OOTDs (1/5)- Orchard OOTD
58. Complete a year recap for each full year of this challenge (2016- Part 1, 2, and 3. 2017, 2018)
60. Inspire someone to start a blog
61. Go out to the west coast (Seattle, LA, San Fran, San Diego)
62. Go out of the country
63. Go to NYC during Christmas time
64. Fly a kite
65. Go to the drive in
66. Go hiking with friends/bible study girls
67. Visit 5 new cities
68. Go on a cruise
69. Go to the Grand Canyon
70. Go to Yellowstone
71. Try 5 new restaurants in Lexington (0/5)
72. Get a DSLR
73. Learn to use DSLR
74. Get a new computer
75. Learn how to design blogs
76. Learn how to edit photos/make collages for blogging
77. Make photo albums- honeymoon, 1st year of marriage, 1st year anniversary trip
78. See a broadway show (Wicked)
79. See The Rockettes in NYC
80. Do DIYs (0/3)
81. Make my own devotional
82. Start recipe box
83. Find signature lip color
84. Become First Aid Certified
86. Pay off all of our debt combined
87. Get a tattoo
88. Get a new car
89. Buy a house
90. Learn how to make spaghetti sauce from scratch
91. Collect an ornament from each place we travel to during this challenge
92. Learn how to arrange flowers
93. Plant a garden that thrives
94. Update my passport with my new last name
95. Get wedding pictures printed on canvases to hang
96. Decorate kitchen
97. Perfect my cleaning schedule
98. Stick to that cleaning schedule
99. Go to a woman's UK Basketball game
100. Unsubscribe from emails I don't want to receive
101. Wake up for a week without hitting the snooze button, do this four times (0/4)
I have seen these posts from many people and have been really inspired but never really thought I could actually finish everything on this list. But here is my 101 in 1001 list, and I am ready to see where God takes me with each of these things and can't wait to see how I am able to glorify Him in accomplishing them! I'm excited to see what I get to cross off my list in these 1001 days. Such a fun and great thing to do! If any of you are doing this, good luck!
Start date: January 1, 2014
End date: September 28, 2016
1. Read the whole bible
2. Read all of the christian books I have now before I get anymore (4/10)
1. A Modern Girls Guide To Bible Study by Jen Hatmaker
2. Crazy Love by Francis Chan
3. Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin
4. Let's All Be Brave by Annie Downs
3. Read the 7 Experiment by Jen Hatmaker- and actually do/keep up with the experiment
4. Go back to Haiti
5. Memorize a verse each month of 2014 (7/12) {I decided a month because i want it to actually sink into my heart and truly understand what it means, and I recently started this challenge over for 2016, so some months may have two verses.}
-January: John 3:30, Proverbs 3:24
-February: 1 Corinthians 10:31
-May: Psalm 63:3
-June: Hebrews 12:28
-July: 1 John 3:18
-September: Ephesians 2:4-5
6. 7. Read through Acts again
10. Try my Prayer Challenge again, start with a month and then go from there.
11. Do something for someone without them knowing
12. Pay for someone in the drive thru behind me
14. Cook dinner for my mom
15. Cook dinner for my aunt and uncle
16. Send a letter to the 3rd graders in Haiti
17. Send people cards in the mall for their birthdays (0/5)
Relationship with Reese:
20. Celebrate
23. Start our own traditions
24. Put together a photo album- dating pictures, honeymoon pictures, 1st year of marriage, 1st year anniversary trip.
26. Read through at least 2 marriage books with Reese
32. Find a job at an elementary school
33. Have my first class of students
34. Survive my first year of teaching
35. Bring breakfast/lunch for teachers at my school
36. Organize all of my class material for teaching
41. Sponsor a giveaway
44. Meet a reader
45. Have a series with another blogger
47. Write a post each time I complete things on this list
48. Have a guest post on my blog
49. Post a guest post on someone elses blog
51. Try to do at least 10 Favorites Fridays/Friday Posts (3/10)
52. Write to 20 bloggers (2/20)
53. Go on a vacation out west
54. Go on a vacation in another country
57. Go to NYC for christmas
58. Go to 3 new states (1/3)- Texas for Final Four 2014
60. Take a spontaneous road trip with Reese
62. Go back to the cabin at Red River Gorge
64. Go snow tubing again
65. Go to the lake
66. Go horse back riding
67. Fly a kite.. I don't think I ever have!
68. Go to Nashville & be a tourist- August 2014
69. Go to the drive in again/more often during the summer
70.Get a puppy- August 24th, 2016 I'm actually shocked that this happened but a post is coming soon!
71. Exercise more often
72.Try running
73.Run in a 5k- Ran a 5k with Reese June 2014
74. Get a DSLR camera
75. Learn how to properly use that DSLR camera & its features
76. Take pictures for someone
77. Organize my iPhoto
78.Print out my Haiti pictures
79.Print out pictures that I really want to keep
80.Go through clothes at the end of fall/winter that I haven't worn
81.Go through clothes at the end of spring/summer that I haven't worn
82.Plan out my wedding
83.Be in a wedding- I've been in two weddings: November 2014 and July 2015
84.Finishing decorating my room
85. Do 3 pinterest DIYs (0/3)
86.Host a christmas party for my friends- Had a tacky sweater party
69. Go to the drive in again/more often during the summer
71. Exercise more often
74. Get a DSLR camera
75. Learn how to properly use that DSLR camera & its features
76. Take pictures for someone
77. Organize my iPhoto
85. Do 3 pinterest DIYs (0/3)
87. Go to a Keith Urban concert
88.Get a pair of Tory Burch Reva Flats
89. See a broadway show
90.Learn how to make coffee at home to my liking{I spend way to much $$ on Starbucks!}
91. Buy a house
92. Decorate my own home
93. Make a cleaning schedule
94.Plan out meals during the week
95. Have a month of planned out meals
96.Try 5 new meals in my new crockpot (5/5)
97.Learn how to budget
98.Consistently budget
99.Go a full week without eating out or having Starbucks, do this 4 times (4/4)
100.Go a full week without spending money on myself/shopping
Added to the list on August 5th, 2014.
101.Grow a garden. Flowers and plants.- May 2016
102.Learn calligraphy.- May 2015
103. Make my own devotional/study.
104. Continue to try to watercolor.
105. Go to the Hope Spoken conference.
106. No shopping for 3 months.
107. Start recipe binder.
108. Find my signature lip color.
109. Become First Aid/CPR certified.
110.Go canoeing/kayaking
111. Pay back all of our student loan debt.
89. See a broadway show
91. Buy a house
92. Decorate my own home
93. Make a cleaning schedule
95. Have a month of planned out meals
Added to the list on August 5th, 2014.
103. Make my own devotional/study.
104. Continue to try to watercolor.
105. Go to the Hope Spoken conference.
106. No shopping for 3 months.
107. Start recipe binder.
108. Find my signature lip color.
109. Become First Aid/CPR certified.
111. Pay back all of our student loan debt.
I am excited to see where I get with this list and how many I can actually accomplish. If you're doing this as well I would love to know so that I can help encourage you. And I would love for y'all to help encourage me also! I pray that you have an amazing year and that you truly focus on the important things in life.
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