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July 25, 2016

Wedding Pictures: First Look

Happy Monday! Today I am finally sharing with you all more pictures from our wedding (that was over a year ago)! I have previously shared our getting ready pictures here. So today I'll share our First Look. I've always thought that having a First Look would just make the day go smoother, with pictures out of the way and initial nerves out of the way. Now that I can look back on our wedding day, I am so glad that we chose to do pictures before the ceremony because our ceremony did not turn out the way I would have preferred due to a torrential down pour (literally!). So, here ya go!

Now if you notice in the remainder of the pictures, the sky looks darker... well thats just because God decided he wanted to give us a torrential downpour during our ceremony (seriously, NO JOKE!).  So boy am I grateful for the pictures we took prior to the ceremony, but I have to say it is definitely one to remember. Enjoy the rest! :)

Photographer: Dei Gratia Photography

Our photographer was just wonderful, and I love how all of our photos turned out! Now I need to get some more pictures printed and an actual book made. I'll be posting our ceremony pictures here soon, so be on the look out!

July 22, 2016

Friday No. 1

Hello friends! It has been forever since I've posted anything on here, so I decided to start back into it with a Friday post.

No. 1
I cannot believe how fast this year and this summer is going. As August nears, I definitely get more and more anxious. The biggest thing that is going on in my life right now is trying to find a teaching job. Where I live in Kentucky, it couldn't be more difficult. It seems as though you have to know someone, who knows someone, who knows someone... which can be real frustrating when I don't know too many people. I will definitely be sharing more with this journey. But please be praying for me to trust in the Lord and his goodness in my life.

No. 2
About a month ago I decided to finally start putting effort into bringing healthy back into my life. Since being married we haven't truly been caring about making sure we each the healthiest of things, or more importantly using portion control! So since it's summer and I've had more time on my hands I started to eat healthier, more controlled portions for my meals. I also started doing some workout videos that I found on YouTube since right now we can't afford to go to a gym (and I tend to feel uncomfortable working out at the gym all alone). I've found someone who I really like and am capable of doing the workouts- her name is Love Sweat Fitness. There are also other people who've been really encouraging, like Rachel from Oh Simple Joys. Rachel has also been working on her health and glorifying the Lord with how she treats her body. She has an amazing instagram and website, Whole and Free, that have been so so encouraging lately. Go show her some love :)

No. 3
On June 26th, Reese and I celebrated our 1 Year Anniversary! I cannot believe that we've already been married for a year. It truly has been an amazing, growing year for us. Reese has been so supportive of me through this year season in my life of not finding a teaching job, etc. I've always heard that the first year of marriage is hard, but for us I believe that it was so so sweet. I will definitely make a whole post about what I learned during our first year of marriage. I also need to post the rest of our wedding pictures (whoops... just a year late!)

No. 4
Speaking of our anniversary, we were able to take a little trip down to Charleston, South Carolina. It was so nice to get away. In a way, I felt like this was our first planned trip together. I know that we've had our honeymoon, but everyone goes on a honeymoon. Lol Idk, it was just so sweet and fun to plan a trip together! I can't wait to share with you all what we did and all the pictures.

Looks like I have quite a few blog posts to be writing! 
Hope you all have a fabulous, blessed weekend!