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June 30, 2014

July Goals

Like always, I cannot believe that June is over. We are half way done with 2014. And let me tell you, it has been good to me. Can't wait to see what is in store for me for the rest of the year!

June Goals
5. Memorize a verse
"Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship with reverence and awe for our God is a consuming fire." 
-Hebrews 12:28-29

56. Try 2 new local restaurants.
I've tried Wild Eggs, but haven't gotten over to Limestone Blue yet.

69. Go to the drive-in... yup, did not happen!

73. Run a 5k.
Ran one earlier this month with Reese.

98. Learn how to budget and 99. Budget Consistently
I have finally figured out what works for me, and have been keeping up with it pretty well for a few weeks now! Hopefully I can keep it up and then it'll be a habit. 

July Goals:
101 in 1001 List
2. Read a Christian book from my books

5. Memorize a verse- 
"Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth." -1 John 3:18

12. Pay for someone in the drive thru behind me

15. Cook dinner for my aunt and uncle

85. Do a Pinterest DIY

This month I have decided that I wanted to go further for my goals than just my 101 list. I feel like I am just trying to complete it to satisfy and not disappoint anyone, especially myself. I have learned that I am so hard on myself and I would be the person to get on me once 1,001 days were over. So I have decided that I need to do something other than just try to complete it... which results in adding things that are not on the list. 

Not on 101 in 1001 list:
-Learn how to do calligraphy
-Sign up for first aid class
-Continue learning how to paint
-Read Lord, Teach Me To Pray OR Lord, I Want To Know You by Kay Arthur 

Hopefully I will be able to get outside the box, not worry whether I am completely my 101 list, and enjoy life more! That truly is my ultimate goal for July... to learn how to enjoy what is in front of me rather forcing what I want to happen.

What are your goals?! Anyone have any advice/tips/etc. for anything mentioned above, especially calligraphy or painting?! I would love to hear about it!

It's a good day when...

A few days ago one of my favorite bloggers, Megan over at Simply Meg wrote this post. And she inspired me to do one myself! Thanks, Megan! Another one of my favorite bloggers, Brittany at Happy Is A Choice started this link up, so thank you Brittany for helping me to remember the positives in a negative world. :) 
So, it's a good day when...
You don't wake up late or leave your phone at home causing you to have to turn around and then been late to nanny. When the boys you nanny are just as tired as you, so they aren't crazy and just want to cuddle all day. When you have coffee in the morning, not Starbucks, but homemade. When you have figured out how you like your homemade coffee, and you enjoy it. When you get to continue discovering how much you enjoy to paint. When you get off work fairly early and can go browse through Target. Then when your aunt calls you asking if you want to go get a manicure and pedicure. When she has Chick-fil-a sweet tea in the car for you. When you don't have to spend money later this week on a mani/pedi because she offered to take you. When you get quality time with your aunt. When your uncle picks up good bbq on his way home in Owensboro (love me some country, southern food). When the bachelorette comes on- yes I do watch it. I'm the type of person who when they start a show has to go with it through the end! When you're one day closer to have 5 days off. When you get to see your boyfriends family from out of town and have a big party for the 4th in just 3 short days. Yup, it's a good day when all of this happens. 

This post was much needed. Made me reflect over my day, and even though it was not the most spectacular Monday I've ever had, I still found the positives and things that I am thankful for! I would recommend you do this link up, it'll help you find the positives in a day full of possible negatives!

June 28, 2014


The other day I read a post that Bailey wrote over at Brave Love Blog and loved it! So I decided that it would be a great way for me to catch you up with things in my life right now and what I am loving.

...reading Eleanor & Park. recommended by the lovely Megan, over at Simply Meg. And since I loved John Green's The Fault in Our Stars, I decided to read another book of his, An Abundance of Katherines.

...watching Greys Anatomy season 6! Boy am I addicted to this show.. now I understand what all of the fuss is about! So so good. 

...trying to get everything unpacked and organized. When it comes to organization I definitely have OCD and need everything to be in its spot.

...eating salt & vinegar kettle chips. Salt & vinegar is definitely one of my favorite flavors of chips.

...pinning future home inspiration. I can't wait for that day that I get to decorate my own home, every little ounce of it!

...tweeting I actually haven't tweeted today, and only once yesterday about Girl Meets World (which I was not truly impressed with, anyone else watch it?)

...going a little bit nuts because my room is not the way I want it right now... pray for patience for me!

...loving how my rooms looks at my aunts house and how much room I have all to myself.

...discovering a little love for water color painting. I've tried twice this week (and even though I messed it up) and have been truly enjoying it. Possibly a new little hobby a I found?

...enjoying my weekend. I had an extremely busy, tiring week this past week and I am so glad I can finally have time to sit down, relax and write a post.

...thinking about how excited I am for 4th of July next week (& WHERE DID JUNE GO?!) because I get to see all of his family. It has also been almost a year since I started my blog!!

...feeling pretty relaxed. (its about time!)

...hoping to get back into the word. I have not been very good at reading lately and really need it in my life.

...listening to Ed Sheeran's station on the music apps radio part. I've been enjoying relaxing music lately.

...thanking my aunt and uncle for letting me back in their home. It is so nice to not have to worry about bills or the up keeping of my own apartment/home. And its just so nice to be back home!

...starting to remember what it feels like to sit down and write. I am so bad with feeling that I have to plan out a big post to write about, when I could just sit down and talk to you all!

What are you currently doing? Any book, food, music, etc. recommendations?! 

June 14, 2014

73. Run in a 5k

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:13
This morning I ran in my first ever 5k!

For the past three weeks, Reese and I have been running to prepare for this race. We would work up .5 miles and eventually made it to 3 miles. This mornings run was much harder than I had anticipated... There was more hills and the sun was on us (we've been running at night because that's only time we both can together). I wasn't able to run very consistently, but I did it and I finished it in about 37 minutes. So I'm pretty proud of myself!! 

From these past few weeks I have learned so much about myself and have grown in ways I never thought I would. 
-First of all, I ran. Not once, not twice, but many times and consistently throughout the week to prepare.
-I learned how to push myself and do something that I wouldn't have done 3 months ago!
-I accomplished something that feels good!
-I ran in the rain and heat.
-I grew closer to Reese and we have found something we can do together. 
-I feel more fit and athletic. The only sport I have ever done in my life was color guard for band and that was one year. So needless to say this is a big deal for me! 
If you have ever longed to accomplish something but don't think you can, DO it any way! Push yourself and make an ultimate goal to work for. It is SO worth it in the end. Even though my 37 minutes wasn't very fast this morning, I never thought I would have even made it that far in a race. I worked for this and am excited to see what race is up next in my future of running. 

"Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 
looking to Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith." 
Hebrews 12:1

June 12, 2014

Loved by Him, so love others!

Over the past year I have been reading through the New Testament. Since I was newer in my faith last year the New Testament was easier for me to read, and now I've made it a goal to read through it. This morning I was reading 2 Thessalonians. It truly left a mark on my heart and reminded me of a few things:

"We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing." 2 Thess. 1:3 - This verse reminded me to always praise Him for what He has given me because He is strengthening my relationship with Him. He is the reason for the good in my life and since I am following Him faithfully, He sees that and gives me grace and mercy when I may sin. Always remember to praise Him!

I am also reading through Psalms and these readings this morning went together perfectly. 

"He who planted the ear, does he not hear? He who formed the eye, does he not see? He who disciplines the nations, does he not rebuke? He who teaches man knowledge- The Lord- knows the thoughts of man, that they are but a breath." Psalms 94:9-11 - I know that God knows what we do and say, but this verse truly helped me to remember and realize that He does actually know what I do and say. I mean, why wouldn't He if He was the one who created it all?! 

Then I went and am going to reread 1 Timothy and it brought up how the Lord saves a sinner like me. 

"But I received mercy because I had acted ignorantly in unbelief, and the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 1:13-14 - He loves us even though we sin. He loves us through it all and simply wants an intimate relationship with us! He knows all the awful sins we have made, make, and will make but He stills forgives us of it all! So why wouldn't we give thanks and praise to Him like mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 1:3?! His son died for OUR sins and all He wants is a relationship with us! How crazy is that?!? 

I just wanted to share with you all some of my thoughts while reading this morning. Jumping into the bible and realizing how it all correlates and comes together for an ultimate purpose of loving God and others because He saved us from our sins is such an amazing thing. I can't wait to love others like Jesus did and like God loves us. This life that He has given us is so precious and there isn't any reason we can't live our life for Christ since He died for us! 

Have an amazing day my friends, and go love on some people who need it!