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December 1, 2014

An Amazing Two Months

Getting on my blog and seeing that the last time I posted was two months ago definitely makes me feel bad... but boy has it been an awesome two months! So much has happened! :)
That calendar has everything I had to do in the 5 weeks I was at the school.

In the middle of October I started practicum, which is basically student teaching except it is only 5 weeks long. I was placed in a 4th grade classroom and thought that I would hate it, but I ended up absolutely loving it! those 5 weeks were a great experience for me and I seriously cannot believe that they are over. I just have this week and next week and then I am done with classes for my undergrad degree! SO EXCITING! And then I start student teaching in the beginning of January. I will spend half of my time with a 5th grade class and the other half with a kindergarten class... talk about complete opposites! But it will be an awesome learning experience, and one step closer to having my own classroom!
The day after practicum was over was the MOST exciting day of my life! I GOT ENGAGED! :D After almost 6 and a half years of dating, Reese and I are finally engaged! It is so exciting and I really cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with this guy! Tonight I have been working on how I am going to ask my bridesmaids and tomorrow I am going to look at two venues! :D
And now it is time to finish up some projects to get through these last two weeks of classes. I truly am so blessed for everything that has happened in my life! This next year is going to be a whirlwind of changes and adventures, but it is going to be so exciting!
I most likely will not do anything like "Wedding Wednesday" or just much wedding updates... it is hard enough to actually do them and I will be very busy the next few months, but I will update when I can. And hopefully I can get back into posting!

Hope everyone is doing well and had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Time for the best month of the year!