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September 30, 2014

The Blog-tember Challenge: A Farewell Coffee Date

Todays prompt: A farewell coffee date. Take some time to breathe, sip a warm drink, and share with your new blogging buddies. If you'd like a prompt: how did the Blog-tember Challenge go for you? Any surprises? What was your favorite prompt, or what would you like to see included next time?
If we were to be sitting down together at this very moment I would have to say to you how sorry I am for not keeping up with The Blog-tember Challenge every single day. And that I get on myself about keeping up with things and procrastinating. But I would also say that it wasn't like I wasn't doing anything... I had school, work, and other things to do. I would say that on the other hand, I am kind of impressed with how much I did post this month. This is the most I have ever posted in one month.

If we were sipping on our coffee together, I would have to tell you that I definitely cannot wait until the next month of prompts that I decide to be apart of. It truly stretched my thinking and made me more accountable to my blog, even though I failed at posting the second half of the month. I would have to tell you that I did have to think about myself in ways I hadn't before, or hadn't wanted to/let myself.

I would tell you that I want to be able to post on a regular basis. That I truly loved connecting with the blogging community when I could. That I do want to pursue blogging more seriously. But I would also tell you that I had a hard time getting my "juices" flowing to write a post. I would tell you that I would love to write posts that may be more in-depth and not so much surface level. I love connecting with y'all and our favorite things, but I truly want to influence someones life in a deep way.

I would tell you that, to be honest, I am glad September is over because I felt guilty every day for not being able to sit down and write a post. (And I am throwing this post together in about 10 minutes before I leave for bible study.)

What did you learn about yourself during The Blog-tember Challenge? Did you have a hard time like I did keeping up with the posts/finding time to write? Any tips for keeping up with posts?

Brave Love Blog

September 25, 2014

The Blog-tember Challenge: Fall Favorites

So since I have failed to keep up with blogging during the rest of The Blog-tember Challenge I am going to try to post some things, may not be too in-depth but they will be something.

I absolutely LOVE fall and am so happy that it is finally here! It is just so colorful and I love the coolness of it (especially because I HATE the summer heat!) So I am here today to share with y'all some of my favorites about fall.

Todays prompt: Fall Favorites. What do you love most about the season?

scarves //  sweaters // chilly mornings // the fall "smell"
changing of the leaves // coffee // boots // fall candles

Sorry if this post was too short and sweet, but I wanted to post something. What is the top thing that you look forward to most about fall? 

Hope y'all have had a great week! 

Brave Love Blog

September 17, 2014

The Blog-tember Challenge: Most People Don't Know This But...

So my goal for the rest of this challenge is to post as much as I can, but I do not want to say that I will be back everyday. With school and bible study and work, I get home and am exhausted. Time with Jesus is more important than writing a post quickly so that I won't get mad at myself for not posting. So... I hope that I can post as much as I can, but if not that is the reason why! Hope thats okay will you all. :)

Todays prompt: "Most people don't know this but..."

I feel like I have pretty much shared everything with y'all, but here are a few things that you may not know. (Reese helped me out with a few of these) This will be a short post, but sometimes those are the best.
I hate wearing dresses/skirts.

I always have cold feet.

But I hate wearing socks/closed toe shoes (my feet feel suffocated!)

I have wanted a puppy the entire time I have been in college; 
I'm surprised I haven't gotten one yet.

I love putting mascara on.

If I don't like how something is written, I will rewrite it.

I'm not the biggest fan of pumpkin spice.

I have a TON of books on my bookshelf, but have only read through 3 of them.

What are some things that people don't know about you?

Brave Love Blog

September 14, 2014

The Blog-Tember Challenge: Current Relationship Status

Yesterdays (the 13th) prompt: What is your current relationship status? If dating/married give us a glimpse of your story. If single, share about this special season.

I am currently in a relationship, and have been for 6 years. Reese was truly a gift from God. He has become my best friend and has made me who I am today. 
Our story: 
The summer before my sophomore year of high school I was texting someone back and forth. My reply never went to the person, and instead went to Reese in a different city and area code. I did not know that this had happened and so when Reese asked who I was I was confused as to who this random person was texting me, and in return asked who he was. From there we started talking and from then on we were in love and (kind of) inseparable. We dated long distance for two years, which was definitely the hardest two years of my life. Then he came to UK for college which us in the same city as me. His first year of college was an adjustment for both of us and was definitely hard. He was getting used to college, a new city and school, while I was still in high school. We were at two different stages in our life. But we managed to continue on, and here we are 6 years later and about to graduate from college!

I'd have to say that the past two years has been our strongest and where we have grown the most. I have even come to be more independent rather dependent on him, which really is a blessing. And we have also grown closer to God, which in return means closer together.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, 
and He will make straight your paths."
-Proverbs 3:5-6

Throughout the past year I have learned to rely on God who truly can give me all that I need. Where I go to school, someone is always getting engaged and it is also just the season for engagements and weddings. These people, some of them, haven't had to date someone for 6 years. And so I get confused as to why they get to start their lives together and I am still over here waiting for my chance. But I have come to realize and learn, even though it is still extremely hard, that God is using this time for me to grow closer to Him and to rely on Him for my happiness and know that He is in control. And I have actually come to truly realize these things and I go day to day with this truth in mind. I truly believe without a doubt that Reese and I are meant for each other and I do know that our day will come, but I would be lying if I said it was easy seeing all these pictures of engagements and weddings, etc. But for now, I continue to grow closer to the Lord and lean on Him in all circumstances. I know that in the future I will look back on this time and be grateful for the growth that I had in Him.

So my prayer for you if you are in a season of singleness or are eagerly waiting for that ring is this...

"Lord, I give you these girls heart. I pray that you take each of them and draw them closer to you and they learn how much you love them, first. I pray that they learn about you Lord and grow closer to you so that they may be secure in their relationship with you. I pray that you reveal to them what is important in a future husband and that He needs to be saved in your grace to be able to have God filled marriage. I pray that even though it may be a tough season in their life, no matter single or anxiously/impatiently waiting to be proposed to that they bring everything to You, Lord. Jesus, I pray that girls all around the world have a relationship with You that is better than any earthly relationship, but one that they want to their future marriage to be like. I pray that no woman gives herself to a man, in any sense, before she gives herself to You Lord. I thank you for your love and grace that you have given us. And I thank you for your son, who died for each of us." -Amen.

Brave Love Blog

The Blog-Tember Challenge: Catching up- Days 9, 10, 11, 12

So I have definitely failed at posting this week, but when it came down to rushing and writing a post up or taking time to read Gods word... I chose Him. The past four days of prompts also haven't been something that I can easily write about. So what I am going to do in this post is give a short little snip of each of the days.. I really do not have all that much to write about for each one, so I think it'll be a perfect length. I will most likely also post yesterday and todays both in their own post.
Day 9 prompt: Lets talk personality types. Introverted? Extroverted? Unsure-troverted?

I am definitely an introvert! Without a doubt. But I wanted to take my own personality test...

My personality type is- ISFJ
"Very dedicated and warm protectors, always ready to defend their loved ones."

This personality type definitely describes me. It is more of a mixture of a lot of things, and I can be quite complex, if I do say so myself. Here are a few of the traits that ISFJ has... "very supportive, loyal and hard-working, imaginative and observant, reliable and patient, good practical skills, take many things too personally, etc." Want to read more about ISFJs? Go here. You can even take your own personality test! Any of you an ISFJ as well? Or are you completely opposite? I would love to hear what traits you possess that make you, you.

Day 10 prompt: List 10 things that you love about yourself! Let's kick negative self-talk out of here!

1.  My love for children. 
2. How short I am. 
3. How much patience I tend to have.
4. My long lashes, lol. 
5. My obsession over bunnies.  
6. The relationship I have grown to have with the Lord. 
7. My unique, red hair. 
8. My shy, quiet self. 
9. How I left a piece of me in Haiti.
10. My past that has made me who I am today.

It's not always easy to think about what you like about yourself. And I definitely had trouble with this list, but it is always necessary to sit down and see what makes you, you. This goes along with the personality prompt above, in that we need to all love ourselves and who God has made us to be. I am so grateful to have all the qualities that I do have, and pray that I exhibit God through myself. What do you love about yourself? 

Day 11 prompt: How do you stay inspired? Who inspires you the most?

A lot of times, fellow bloggers inspire me. When I read their posts or see their Instagram pictures is when I'm most inspired. Or those bloggers/wives/moms/etc. Those beautiful women who do so much more than I ever thought could even be a possibly to do along with being a wife and a mom. Those ladies make me want to be better than what I see myself being and do far more than I could have ever imagined, but definitely what God has imagined for me. Because of these ladies I follow, I have so many possible dreams flowing through my mind and heart. I truly believe that in the future I will do and can do so much more than just be a teacher, a wife, and a mom. I want to encourage others to do be more than they ever imagined, as well. I want The Lord to use me in ways I could have never pictured for myself. 

Praise Him for the abilities that He has given me to pursue the future and His greatness! 

Here are a few of the ladies that inspire me:
-Bailey from Brave Love Blog
-Gretchen Saffles from Life Lived Beautifully
-Rachel Cox from Oh Simple Thoughts.
Day 12 prompt: Tell us about a favorite tradition. It could be a family tradition or from a holiday, university, you-name-it. What makes it so special?

In all honesty, I do not really have any traditions. There is nothing that I truly do every single year or event of something specific happening. This kind of makes me a bit sad, but it makes me excited for the future and all of the traditions I want to have with my family. Here are some things that I have always imagined doing with my future husband and kids. (You'll see how family oriented these are..)

-Yearly family photos or for the holiday season
-Have something we do specifically on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day
-A possible yearly, end of summer camping trip
-Read the story of Jesus and His birth every Christmas

These make me so excited and I can't wait to see what other little traditions we have. 

Well, now that I have caught up I hope y'all enjoyed this post! Thank you for sticking with me and letting me catch up four days through one post! I am now back at posting everyday. 

Brave Love Blog

September 8, 2014

The Blog-tember Challenge: Music

Todays prompt: Music that moves you. Are you a Spotify addict or Pandora guru? Tell us your favorite artists/stations!
This post is going to be short today, but I wanted to share with y'all exactly what song has been on my here of late.

To be completely honest I am not someone who is constantly listening to music, and I definitely do not "jam out" to it either. I like calm, peaceful music. And I really only listen to music while in the car. I do, however, love me some country music. So country and christian, KLove, are my thing.. but quietly. But seriously, I cannot stand "loud" music. Just ask Reese- whenever we are in the car he wants the music turned up and I can't handle it above a certain level... sorry babe, sensitive over here!
Here of late I have been obsessed with Bethel Music, especially the song Anchor.

So I leave you to listen to Anchor. 

Brave Love Blog

September 7, 2014

The Blog-Tember Challenge: What am I Reading?

To be honest I haven't been reading much lately. I go through spurts of reading and not reading. I want to be the person who is constantly reading; maybe one day I will be.

Todays prompt: Whats on my current reading list? Or what have you read that you recommend?

I have a few different categories of books that I have either read or am currently reading, and would definitely recommend! 

For Christian Reference books
30 Days to Understanding the Bible by Max Anders
A Modern Girls Guide to Bible Study by Jen Hatmaker

I am currently reading through 30 Days to Understanding the Bible and find it so helpful and interesting! I definitely think that if I had picked this book up any earlier than now I would not be getting out of it as much or even finding it interesting. I wrote a post recently over one of the chapters I had read, here. I would definitely recommend this book if you are wanting to truly sit down and learn about the different eras, etc. in the bible.
Back in February/March I read A Modern Girls Guide to Bible Study. Brittany over at Happy Is A Choice started this study up and I decided to join in! I loved this book and truly was inspired to study. And I love the way that Jen Hatmaker writes. Definitely a book I would recommend! 

For Christian Non-Fiction
Kisses From Katie by Katie Davis
I also am currently reading this book but am almost done. This is another book that I have been working on for roughly 2 years. I picked it back up for a good read during my trip to Colorado recently and really got back into it. Katie truly inspires me and when I read this book I think about Haiti. I think about becoming a missionary and loving sweet babies in Haiti or another country. I think about adopting sweet babies/kids and giving them a loving home. I think about so much in regards to this book and pray that Jesus can use me in some way like He has used Katie.

Books on my reading list:
-Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin
-Lets All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs
-Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist
-A Million Little Ways by Emily Freeman
-You Are Loved by Sally Clarkson
-A Nesting Place by Myquillyn Smith
-Make It Happen by Lara Casey
-Girls in White Dresses by Jennifer Close
-The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst
-One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

I believe that is a good list for awhile... lol, and those books are not even on my bookshelf. I have plenty on my shelf that I need to read. Why, oh why can't I love reading like other people and sit down with a book and truly enjoy it and fly through it because I love it so?! 

What recommendations do you all have?

Brave Love Blog

September 6, 2014

The Blog-tember Challenge: Currently...

Hello, friends! Day six of The Blog-tember Challenge is here and this is one of my favorite type of posts. It is relative to the exact moment/time of when we are each writing these, so it is kind of like being a fly on the wall... Lol okay, I'll stop rambling now and get on with the post.

Todays prompt: Currently...

over many, many things a lot of which are on Pinterest (go to my Pinterest if you would like). Like home decor, recipes, clothing, photography, teaching things, etc. So yeah.. Basically everything on Pinterest!
About all of the possibilities of where God may be leading me in the future. I feel a lot more comfortable with following His path for me then following my own, no matter if it is comfortable or not. So here's to following Gods path rather mine.

Colorado and it's beautiful mountains, everywhere you look! It is such a different atmosphere then Kentucky and it is just so fun to be there. Cannot wait until my next trip! 

Getting my placement for my practicum. I seriously cannot wait to get back in the classroom. I feel so at home and comfortable in a school and can't wait to further my teaching experience! It's crazy to think that in a year I could have my own students in my own classroom.

I finished Season 9 of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix at 3 am this morning. Which means I watched 11 episodes yesterday... no judging, it was relaxing after a long week! Then I saw that Netflix had put up Season 3 of Revenge, so that will definitely be up next on my list!

What are y'all currently doing?
Brave Love Blog

September 5, 2014

The Blog-tember Challenge: My Passion

This is the 5th day of The Blog-tember Challenge and I am proud to say that I have kept up with it. I have never blogged everyday before, so this is a bit of a challenge for me, especially while going to class, work, bible study, and having homework/readings, but I have truly been enjoying it. I also think that this has been challenging me to think more, take more time into preparing/writing my posts, and just getting to talk with other bloggers... which is exactly what I wanted my second year of blogging (you can read that post here) to be about, growing closer with fellow bloggers and this blogging community. So thanks for sticking around and reading my posts and I cannot wait to the next 25 days!

Todays prompt: I am passionate about... 
Passionate- (adj.) 
having, showing, or expressing strong emotions or beliefs.

So what do I have strong emotions or beliefs about, you ask? 
-Love/caring for others.

These things mentioned above are always going to be my main passions, things that truly define who I am and will give me a drive during my days. But I want to take this post and write what my passions are right now.
one // two // three // four // five
I have a passion for loving others deeply. For nurturing young students to think further than they think they can and to truly experience the world. To explore a new city. To follow the plan that Jesus has for my life, even if it may be scary. To do something far beyond what I could have ever imagined. To be more because of Jesus and what He did for me. To travel and do missions. To be a wife who supports, respects, and is loyal to her husband. To be a stay at home mom with my future precious kids. To adopt kids from a family that cannot take care of them and show them the love of the real father. To become a prayer warrior. To have a deep relationship with God.

These are all of my passions right now, and I cannot wait to see where The Lord leads me with each and every one of them. What are you passionate about right now? What gets you excited and daydreaming?
Brave Love Blog

September 4, 2014

The Blog-tember Challenge: Fashion

A quick note before I start todays prompt... I do not mean to have each post up so late in the day, but I am at school for most of the day and then have work. I have been prewriting as much as I can but am unable to finish them in time to have them posted in the morning! Hopefully this weekend I can get some prewritten and ready to go up first thing in the morning! And btw- I have really been enjoying this link-up. 

Todays prompt: Pick a fashion trend you love and a fashion trend you hate. Win us over!
One // Two // Three // Four // Five
Fyi: All of the links from pinterest wouldn't work for the 2nd picture.

Scarves, scarves, scarves, and more scarves! Guys I cannot explain to y'all my obsession with scarves... it's pretty bad! They just go with everything.. and are so pretty and colorful. (FYI I am typing this during my break in between classes while extremely hyper... Thanks to the coffee I had! But hey I've been really productive and have participated in class convos.. GO ME!) But back to my love of scarves... I have about 40 scarves. No I am not joking. And I do plan on getting more since fall is upon us and there are more scarves out in the stores.

Crop tops. I'm sorry but I don't want to see your stomach. I definitely have a more modest way of dressing, and to see peoples stomachs and sometimes even more is just not appealing to me.

There really is not much that I truly hate regarding fashion. Definitely some things I would not try/wear because they would not look good on me, but I think that if they are styled appropriately they could really be cute!

What are you loving/hating right now? What trends do you wish would come back or trends that should have never happened? 
Brave Love Blog

September 3, 2014

The Blog-tember Challenge: When I Grow Up...

Todays prompt: "When I grow up I want to be..." Feel free to answer as your 5-year-old self or as of now.
I love this prompt for the only reason that what I wanted to be when I was 5 is what I am going to be. I have literally wanted to be a teacher for my entire life (minus a few days here and there) and I am actually living out my dream. Growing up it was just because I was always the one who loved kids, and I was always around people who were younger than me. I was always so organized and loved to instruct others (not necessarily in a bossy way) on how to do things. In elementary school I had some pretty amazing teachers, and have truly stuck with me since. Within the past two years I have been able to see that God has also led me to teaching. It is exactly where I am meant to be and I couldn't be more blessed or happy. Teaching is more to me than just a job, and many people will mention the money aspect of it... I truly do not care about how much I am paid, as long as I love my job that is all that matters!

What did you want to be when you were little? I love hearing what kids answers are to this question, it really gets their mind flowing!
Brave Love Blog

September 2, 2014

The Blog-tember Challenge: What Makes Me Happy.

Todays prompt: "Write about what makes you happy, from the little joys to the huge game-changers."

What makes me happy? What are the simple little joys in my life to the huge ultimate things?
These are in no particular order.

My boyfriend. Fall. Puppy dog cuddles. Movies. Late night ice cream runs. 
Coffee dates. HGTV. School supplies. Candles. Mascara. Scarves. Jesus. Flip-flops. 
Greys Anatomy <3. UK basketball. My prayer journal. Watermelon. Fleece Blankets. 
Sweet Tea. Kentucky. Breathtaking sunsets. Great friendships. Singing at church. 
A good hair day. Pinterest. Looking through teaching ideas. Planning my future wedding. 
Great conversations. Organization. Chick-Fil-A. Gorgeous views. Full House.
Brownies, cookies, and cupcakes. Chips 'n Salsa. Newborn babies. Kids in general.
Family gatherings. Relaxing music. Bible studies. Sweet summer weddings. 
Inspirational church services. Photography. The blogging community. 

There is so much that makes my heart happy. And I am so grateful for everything that The Lord has placed in my life to be able to have such a great list of things that do make me happy and that I can find joy in. 

What brings your heart joy? Do we have anything in common, or completely opposite?

See you all tomorrow! 
"Be joyful, always." 
-1 Thessalonians 5:16

Brave Love Blog

September 1, 2014

The Blog-tember Challenge: Sept. 1st

Hello all! Welcome to Simply, Faithful. I am excited to be linking-up with Bailey for "The Blog-tember Challenge." This is a daily link-up where Bailey has kindly already decided the prompts for each day (thanks girl!)

Todays prompt: "Imagine the front sleeve of a hard cover novel. Give us your "About the Author" so we can get to know one another, and for fun tell us what your imaginary novel would be about."
My name is Danielle, and I am raised in the heart of Kentucky! I bleed blue and love the hills of horse farms that surround my state. I love Jesus and have over the past year and a half grown to truly love Him and what He has given me. Last Wednesday I started my senior year of college at the University of Kentucky. I am studying Elementary Education and cannot wait to have my own classroom of sweet babes. I have a boyfriend of 6 years and am so grateful for everything he has brought into my life. I am a lover of: Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A, sweet tea, Kentucky sunsets, an organized life, animals, and all things simple. Last October I went to Haiti for a mission trip and absolutely fell in love. I pray that I get to go back some day soon!

If I were to write a novel it would include something along the lines of a college christian girl finding where God has led her. Definitely have something to do with being in the south and also traveling to another country for missions. 

I hope you join me in this challenge and that I get to know y'all better!