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December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

I am sitting here getting ready to go to bed thinking about how tomorrow is Christmas. I seriously cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by and how we are celebrating Jesus' birthday. Tonight I went to mass with my aunt and uncle, I've gone growing up so it wasn't a new experience for me. But anyways, they talked about making sure not to just celebrate Jesus during the seasons- Christmas for his birth and Easter for his resurrection- but all the time. This was definitely a great reminder for me and I pray that each of us remembers Him throughout 2014; during both the good and bad times, because we NEED HIM ALL THE TIME! This is the first year I have truly been in awe of our Saviors birth and all that He has done for us. This year I have learned how much He means to me and how much He has changed and blessed my life. I have confided so much in our Lord this year and now I am so excited to celebrate Him. I pray that each of you have very Merry Christmas, and that if you do not know our baby Jesus that you let Him in your life to know him. 

Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Have a Merry Christmas, dear girl! I'm so blessed to have met you in the blogging world.
