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October 29, 2013

Life Lately!

So I know I haven't posted anything lately but a lot has been going on! Along with school I've been doing other things like work and just fun things that happen during this time of year! 
Reese and I went to Date Night at our church! It was fun to get out and actually do something with our friends who are dating. :) 
One of the football games we went to... UK hasn't won any but one game this year but we still try to support them {Reese better at it than I am, I get bored really easily!}
We had meal packing at church for Haiti. Over the course of a few days my church was able to pack over 1.4 million meals! It seriously is so humbling to think that we are packing meals for these people whom I may meet when I go to Haiti. 
Last weekend Reese, myself, and a few other friends went to the Alabama vs. UK football game. We knew that we probably wouldn't win but we didn't play too badly! The sunset though that night was absolutely beautiful! I love seeing these sunsets that God has made us. 
That Sunday we went to a Chris Tomlin concert which was amazing! Louie Giglio was able to come and speak to us for a little bit and it made me so excited for Passion 2014. It really is a life changing experience and I don't think you could start off a year any better.
Then we had Big Blue Madness, which is the start of basketball season at UK and we get to see all of the basketball players for both the girls and the boys teams. And the following day there was a pre-season NBA game, Pelicans vs. Wizards, that was held in my city. We have past players {aka AWESOME PLAYERS} on both of these teams so it was fun to get to watch them play on our court again! 
This is being posted while I am in Haiti, so please continue to pray for me, and also our team for safe travels, good health, and one amazing experience! Thanks :)

xo, Danielle

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are going awesome, girlie! When do you leave for Haiti?
