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August 6, 2013

Five Wonderful Years!

Hello! Today I bring to you the cheesy side of me, and I am not one to be this way but it is VERY important to me. Today is my boyfriend and I's five year anniversary! I seriously have been giddy about it since the clock struck 12 this morning. It really is such a huge accomplishment for me, its not that I'm trying to win a reward for the longest dating relationship, but I truly NEVER thought I would have been able to date someone for five years {THATS SO LONG!}. But I can honestly say that they have been the best five years of my life thus far. 

From about 7th grade until the day I "met" him I had dated guys and just being the girl I am thought that they could be the one. But when I look back at those relationships today, I just realize how they were preparing me for this wonderful guy that I would meet. In my past relationships I did not have God centered in them, nor even brought up in them. And I realize now that that is the greatest thing you need to survive any relationship. God seriously has brought him and I through it all! This past year has seriously been my favorite year. We have both just enjoyed each other, we were both baptized last year {2012} and I think that that is what has made this last year such a good one! We have centered our relationship around God and it has made a tremendous difference. I seriously am so blessed beyond belief to be able to call him mine and to get to spend time with him and share my life with him. He really is my best friend, and he has been there for me through it all! Since I have given my heart to Christ, I have everyday been thankful for {even more than before} the person that God has given me to spend my life with. I can confidentially say that I do want to be with him forever, and I cannot see my life without him. {Yes the "M" word has been brought up plenty of times}.

I will not post these type of things very often, but I just get soo happy and excited when August 6th roles around each year. I had to share my excitement somewhere, haha! Please don't hesitate to comment with any questions you may have regarding relationships, I am by means no expert but I can always help give advice and would love to hear about all your y'alls relationships!

Thanks ladies for listening to this mushy gushy stuff!



  1. This is so sweet!! Happy dating anniversary, dear girl. ;-) It's so wonderful to have a relationship centered on the Lord. He truly is the One who can hold a relationship together! I love your new blog look so much!

    1. Thanks Susannah! Having a God centered relationship makes everything so much better, you can just put any issues or stress between the two of you to the Lord and he will help with them! And thanks, I really like my new blog look too... definitely more my taste! :)
