Today I started a new job. Along with a lot of other people, it was my first day of school, but not as student or the teacher. I began a new journey as an after school program teacher. I couldn't be more excited to actually get to be in a school everyday no matter what I am doing, and after today I know that I am absolutely meant to be there.
I woke up excited and nervous today! I had no idea what to expect, and everyone that has worked there before and knew the kids I would be getting kept saying they were "bad". I didn't exactly know what kind of "bad" they were talking about, so I was only nervous because I didn't know what I would be getting into. When I got to the school and saw the kids coming down into the cafeteria to their 2nd grade table, I at first thought "alright, can I leave now?!" but I quickly realized how these kids needed me. Most of them come from a background of very little discipline, so they haven't really been taught to know what is right and what is wrong; when they can talk and when they can't, how they should listen to their teachers, how to properly sit in a chair and not rock it back and forth, how to not yell across the room, etc. Even though these are all things that every teacher wants their students to be able to do, I realized today that it is more than just those silly little things that these kids need. I can't wait to see exactly where God wants me or how he wants me to help these children, but I do know that I am perfectly fine with saying "sit down" or "quiet in the hall" a thousand times... it's for the children, right?! Teaching children is crazy and stressful, but it is such a blessing. Even though I am not technically a teacher to them, I felt as though I am teaching them.
"Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you now that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness." -James 3:1
I seriously fell in love with my job today. Even though it was only the first day, I felt as though I was meant to be there. I am so grateful for this opportunity I've been given to be in a school and be around students on a daily basis. Today made me realize how much I really do want to be a teacher, {every time I passed a classroom I just wanted to go in & see how they had their room set up & just admire it}. I know that this school year will be difficult and there will probably be days where I don't want to work or I am sick of the kids, but I do know that I am needed there for THEM. A lot of teachers don't realize that sometimes all their students need is discipline and someone that cares for them. Before today I would have hated the thought of having to discipline, but I've learned that even though you are disciplining, it doesn't mean that you do not care. Everyone needs discipline in their lives and it isn't always bad. Teaching is also loving on students who need it, almost like being a second mom to them. A lot of times, the students learn a whole lot more than just numbers and letters, they learn manners and about life. I can't wait to become a teacher and change a students life. I can't wait to have a classroom to myself of however many little faces to love on and educate.
I ended my day with my roommate out in the country. In Kentucky we have some of the prettiest country roads and scenery that I have ever seen. It seriously makes me feel so blessed & grateful for where I live. God has made us such a beautiful world! Here are some pictures of my night. Hope y'all had a great night!