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July 15, 2013

Its Monday, again!

Why do the weekends always go by so fast?! I swear its like you blink and its Sunday night again, and you have to get ready for the next week of work or school or whatever you may be doing! Just doesn't seem right, lol. 

This summer I have been nannying two little boys. It hasn't been an every day of the week deal, but this week I do watch them Monday through Thursday! So this morning I woke up (bright and early) at 7 am, to get ready and head to their house! They don't do much for the first couple of hours so it gives me a chance to wake up myself! Lol. After their dad came home, I had to go over to my old apartment complex to clean my room and have it inspected so that I can be OFFICIALLY moved out!! :D I could not be more excited to finally have the past two years behind me, so that I can begin a new start in my life. The past two years with roommates haven't been the best, but I completely acknowledge that it isn't one person or the other! It is definitely hard to live with someone, and I have finally realized that!! In the past I have been looking for my roommate to be my best friend, but that does not always happen, sometimes they are just simply roommates. I wouldn't, though, change anything that has happened in the past because it has made me who I am today and has made me more independent! I really am thankful for all of the experiences that God has put in front of me because it has made my faith stronger and I have been able to learn that God really does have everything in control. And so far, my experience at the new house I am living in has been wonderful (with the one roommate who is here)!!

If you are having a hard time with a roommate, first realize that it is not for forever! You are not stuck living with that person for the rest of your life. And second, don't be the bad person! Maybe they actually need someone to talk to or maybe they don't, but don't be rude to them.. try to be the bigger person! 

I hope you all have had a great Monday, and that you all have a great rest of the week! If you need to talk about anything, please feel free to email me! I would love to talk, or to give any advice that I possibly could! (And please know that I am in no way an expert about any of this, simply just my experiences!)


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