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July 30, 2014

Wednesday Rambles- Vol. 1

So since I never blog consistently I have decided to start a series that I will do each week. A lot of people do Favorites Friday, but it just did not feel like me, I wanted something different. So, welcome to the blog, Wednesday Rambles. I believe that it would help in reflecting on the positive things mid-week. A lot of us look forward to Fridays because it is "the weekend" yet we only get 2 days free of actual work. I want to enjoy everyday throughout the week, and not just the weekends! But anyways... here is the first volume of Wednesday Rambles.

Two weeks ago at church after our pastor had given his message he challenged us to read Luke and Acts to be prepared for the next weekends message. His message was really intriguing and I wanted to be prepared for the next service! So I started reading Luke, and boy have I enjoyed it. I have read numerous chapters in one sitting and continue to learn new things and be reminded of so much! 
I have also recently gotten back into writing in my prayer journal. I forgot how much more connected I felt in my prayers when I wrote them down, and I am so glad that I started doing it again!
I only have 5 more days left with the boys this summer. And that is absolutely crazy to me! Where did July go? Where has the summer gone? I start my senior year of college so so soon and I am not sure I am ready for it! It is definitely going to be a tough one, but I believe it will be a memorable one.
I have taken the boys I nanny to Barnes&Noble quite a few times. For some odd reason they love going and looking at all the books - even though the oldest can barely read - and I get so excited about the books that will be in my future classroom. The books I will read to my students or the books that they will read on their own. The book that will be their favorite or the first one that they read on their own. I haven't been a reader until lately, but I can't wait to see my future students reading in my classroom. #TeacherProbz
Hopefully my first volume of Wednesday Rambles was interesting and gave you all little insight to what all is happening in my life right now! I am going to sit down when I get a chance and try to plan out an actual schedule of posting because I want to continue with this blog life, because I have really enjoyed it!

Have a great night & a blessed rest of your weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love your new idea to get you to blog more! :-)
