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January 29, 2014

Be Still.

So, hello again. I did not mean to make this such a long break from me posting and at first I did totally forget about it, but then I realized that I have other priorities and things that I need to get done that should come before this blog. I want to make sure that this blog is not another job for me to do but more like a way to share my experiences, my struggles, etc. with you all so that I can potentially encourage y'all or even myself be encouraged. The day before school started this semester I was typing this in a post that I decided not to post...

I could not be more nervous about starting the semester off tomorrow morning, bright and early at 8 am! I have not been looking for to this since winter break began. I have absolutely no idea what to expect and I know, hearing from others, that it will be difficult. I don't feel prepared. I don't feel like I know enough. Yet I am starting this semester anyway. I am in the teacher education program. And I am continuing to pursue my dream of being a teacher. I know that God has blessed me to be able to get where I am right now, but boy how nervous am I. It is going to be a tough semester. Long, busy days. Lots of projects and papers. Lesson plans. So much more than I did last semester. 

Every single bit of this is still absolutely true after being in classes for about two weeks. I have never been so overwhelmed. I feel like I have SO much to do yet have no information on what it is I have to do. I have yet to be placed in a classroom for my Classroom Management & Discipline class, I am still not used to rushing straight to work after a long day of classes, and even more stressful (at least for myself) is that I haven't even truly organized all of my stuff for my classes. I am ALWAYS organized... but I have NO idea what the best way is to organize this semester. I am nervous for when I am placed and other days I have to observe how exhausted I am going to be. I am nervous for the fact that this is just my pre-practicum semester and that I still have my practicum AND student teaching left. I am nervous. And I am overwhelmed. But I have faith and trust in the He who can calm me; in He who has it ALL under control and in His hands. 

Two weekends ago I went to Passion and Friday I am leaving for CSFs Winter Retreat in Gatlinburg. I am hating being gone so much, but getting myself out of the place that gives me stress and anxiety and going to a place full of worship, fellowship, and relaxation is definitely something that God has been blessing me with lately. He keeps reminding me that He is still there- no matter how stressed, nervous, anxious, or exhausted I am- He is still there. And as I am writing this He keeps putting this verse in my head. How great is that?! Yet again, another reminder that He is still there. 
Friends, I truly hope to get into a schedule here soon and update you all on my goals for January and hopefully make some for February as well. It really has been on my mind and more apart of my everyday routine having these goals. I am not promising any posts soon, but I am not leaving/done blogging, I just need to get everything going on straightened out to where I am not having nervous break downs every night. Hope everyone is doing well and is staying warm/safe from the weather (snow/ice) we have been having. 


  1. Girl, I feel you on the anxiety thing! But isn't it great how God speaks to us when we need it? I love that verse and return to it often. I hope you have a great time in Gatlinburg! I will be praying for you!
    P.S. I nominated you for the Liebster award today check it out here
