I pray that as I embark on this new journey with this series, that I am able to
share Gods truth and love with you. That you know that He truly has your best interest
in mind and can give you far more than you think you deserve. We serve a BIG
God, I truly believe this and know this. Also, I am sharing my experiences with
you all. I am in by no means an expert or think that all situations are the same.
The Lord shows us Himself through all different ways and we grow closer to
Him in different ways, as well. I do though, hope to encourage you to work on
growing closer to the Lord in your personal life, and just see where He can take you!
The biggest thing that I have finally learned about myself is that I struggle with comparison. And I HATE to admit it. But don't we all hate to admit what we struggle with. We hate to admit to share that deep, embarrassing thing with others that just shows to them that we are also human. That we struggle with something just like everyone else does. That even though our instagram may look "perfect", our life is far from it. BUT let me remind you, friends, that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. To give us grace from all that we suffer from and to live freely in His love. Once you know that, truly know it, deep down in your heart the thing(s) that you struggle with won't seem so hard or painful anymore. You won't feel like you're the only one out there dealing with this. Or that you're alone. I'm sure for most of us we have felt that we're the only one around us that has felt this way before. But guess what! YOU'RE NOT ALONE! Christ is with you and has been tempted just like you with this struggle.
But back to what Jesus has been teaching me and showing me in relation to comparison. First and foremost, I am created in Christ and Christ only. I wasn't created to be like the girls I see at the store or on social media. I was created to be me! From the beginning we were created to be like God and in His image, "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."" (Genesis 1:26). I've been making it a habit this year to have a verse that I meditate on throughout each month... and I don't find it coincidental at all that they have to do with making my heart more pure. We are also told in the bible not to be conformed to this world (Romans 12:2) or to seek for the approval of man (Galatians 1:10). Clearly God knows that we can easily compare our lives to others, even as Christians, but He knows how much more content and joyful our lives would be if we looked to Christ! I encourage you to ask God to place verses on your heart that will help you during hard times of struggle or temptation, it has definitely helped me during long, weary days. And if memorizing scripture is hard, ask for help in that too, the Lord already knows that it is hard for you and He wants to have an intimate relationship with you, one where you aren't afraid of asking Him for help!