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April 12, 2017

WWJD: Fighting Comparison

I am so excited to be sharing with you all the first post in my new series that I mentioned a few days ago. If you missed the introduction of WWJD, check it out here.

I pray that as I embark on this new journey with this series, that I am able to 
share Gods truth and love with you. That you know that He truly has your best interest 
in mind and can give you far more than you think you deserve. We serve a BIG 
God, I truly believe this and know this. Also, I am sharing my experiences with 
you all. I am in by no means an expert or think that all situations are the same. 
The Lord shows us Himself through all different ways and we grow closer to 
Him in different ways, as well. I do though, hope to encourage you to work on 
growing closer to the Lord in your personal life, and just see where He can take you!

The biggest thing that I have finally learned about myself is that I struggle with comparison. And I HATE to admit it. But don't we all hate to admit what we struggle with. We hate to admit to share that deep, embarrassing thing with others that just shows to them that we are also human. That we struggle with something just like everyone else does. That even though our instagram may look "perfect", our life is far from it. BUT let me remind you, friends, that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. To give us grace from all that we suffer from and to live freely in His love. Once you know that, truly know it, deep down in your heart the thing(s) that you struggle with won't seem so hard or painful anymore. You won't feel like you're the only one out there dealing with this. Or that you're alone. I'm sure for most of us we have felt that we're the only one around us that has felt this way before. But guess what! YOU'RE NOT ALONE! Christ is with you and has been tempted just like you with this struggle.
But back to what Jesus has been teaching me and showing me in relation to comparison. First and foremost, I am created in Christ and Christ only. I wasn't created to be like the girls I see at the store or on social media. I was created to be me! From the beginning we were created to be like God and in His image, "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."" (Genesis 1:26). I've been making it a habit this year to have a verse that I meditate on throughout each month... and I don't find it coincidental at all that they have to do with making my heart more pure. We are also told in the bible not to be conformed to this world (Romans 12:2) or to seek for the approval of man (Galatians 1:10). Clearly God knows that we can easily compare our lives to others, even as Christians, but He knows how much more content and joyful our lives would be if we looked to Christ! I encourage you to ask God to place verses on your heart that will help you during hard times of struggle or temptation, it has definitely helped me during long, weary days. And if memorizing scripture is hard, ask for help in that too, the Lord already knows that it is hard for you and He wants to have an intimate relationship with you, one where you aren't afraid of asking Him for help!

Second, if I continue to let comparison in my life, I will never find contentment or be able to truly love myself. The past two weeks I have woken up early to go to a cycling class on Wednesday mornings at 6 am. Never in my life would I have thought that I could do it. But I'm finding a new love for myself through this cycling class. This morning was only the fourth time I have ever cycled, but I'm finding myself being motivated by me (and God) and not everyone around me. The first two times I was constantly looking around me to see what others were doing but that's not what I was capable of yet. So I've been focusing on what I can do and that's been showing! It's also been helping lately for me to pray on the way to class. I always pray and ask God to give me strength in Him and to motivate me to do my best so that I can give my best for His Kingdom. Jesus says ""Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."" (Matthew 7:7-8). Today was a great cycling class and I've already exceeded what I thought I could do. One thing that really stuck with me this morning, though, was something the cycle instructor said. She said "comparison is the thief of joy" and how true is that, friends?! I can definitely say that over the past year I have let myself become unhappy because I was comparing myself to those around me or those that I don't even know on instagram. But as Christ shows me where I am weak, I am leaning on Him to make me strong. Isaiah 40:29 tells us that "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak" and I firmly believe that if we are in prayer, asking the Lord to strengthen us, because we are weak, then He will do so. Friends, don't forget that just because we don't always see or hear from God directly that we doesn't hear us.

Thank you for letting me share where I am weak. It's not easy to be vulnerable and share things that are hard in our lives, but I am praying that it has encouraged you today. I am excited to continue learning how God can make me stronger. What have you been struggling with that the Lord is making you stronger in? Or where have you seen God? Even if it is little, God is still there and working in your life if you let Him. Look for Him today. Thank Him for all of the ways that He has made you stronger, but also ask Him to take your weaknesses and make those stronger, as well.

April 5, 2017

New Series Introduction: WWJD

It's April friends, which means fresh new flowers, sunshine, and warmer weather! (*insert praise Jesus hands here*) This also means that I am introducing a new series here on Simply Faithful. I've known for awhile that through my blog I wanted to share so much more. I want to capture the simplicity of Christ and who He is and can be in our lives. We have such an amazing God, and we can learn so much from Him, especially through His word!

So what's the name of the series, you ask... it's What Would Jesus Do. Aka, WWJD.

So here is what I want with this new series, What Would Jesus Do. I want to share what either I or a guest writer (I have some wonderful ladies that will be writing some of their experiences) has been struggling with or had struggled with in the past... and then in return what Jesus taught through that experience/struggle and how they/I grew through it all. I also want to reference what the Bible and how we can and should use Gods word that He has given us to help us through hard times and know/learn how to seek His wisdom that He has given us in His word. Hopefully that was easy to understand, and if it wasn't, well just check back for the WWJD posts that will be coming.

I really pray that the Lord uses me and anyone who may be writing to meet you all wherever you may be at, to show you His grace and love. To show you how He can turn your life around and give you far more than you ever thought possible, or even thought you deserved.

These posts will be coming from our hearts and will most likely be hard for us to share. So I pray that you also give grace and encouraging words to the ladies who will be sharing with you all what the Lord has been teaching/taught them. We all know that life isn't easy and we (as women) definitely need to be more encouraging to each other. I'm sure we are all going through the same thing, or at least have in the past.

So, ladies, I am excited to encourage you all and share all of the things that the Lord has taught me through different experiences I have had so far in my life. I will be praying for each of you, and would love to get to know you all even more throughout these topics that get brought up.

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
-Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
-Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)

February 3, 2017

February Goals

TGIF! But really. This has been a week for the books, which is the whole reason why my February Goals was not posted on February 1st. But... that was just two days ago and we have 25 days left of February, so I think we're good! 

February Goals:
-Read a book

-Meditate on Lamentations 3:22-23

-Memorize one verse of scripture

-Take a meal to someone who just had a baby: 
I have a friend who is having a baby in February and 
I would love to be able to take them a meal 
after the sweet baby boy is born!

-Celebrate Reese's 25th birthday! 

What are your goals for the month? How do you decide what goals to make for each specific month?

January 9, 2017

January Goals

I know that we are 9 days into January already, but I have decided to try to use monthly goals as a way to get things done this year. I know we all love making resolutions, goals, and dreaming about what all we can get done and plan in a new year and so I am going to use monthly goals to my advantage to try to accomplish things.

I tend to do a lot better when I don't put too many things on my goal list for each month, so we are going to start out on the shorter side for January and see how much we get done! And some of these may be coming from my 101 in 1001 Challenge. If you haven't seen that post yet, click here. You can also look back a my first 101 in 1001 Challenge here.

January Goals

- Read one book
- Memorize one verse of scripture
- Try to prioritize morning quiet time
- Blog at least twice a week
- Figure out a plan for my handlettering 
- Work on updating my blog design

What are your goals for January? How do you work on getting your goals accomplished?