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July 30, 2014

Wednesday Rambles- Vol. 1

So since I never blog consistently I have decided to start a series that I will do each week. A lot of people do Favorites Friday, but it just did not feel like me, I wanted something different. So, welcome to the blog, Wednesday Rambles. I believe that it would help in reflecting on the positive things mid-week. A lot of us look forward to Fridays because it is "the weekend" yet we only get 2 days free of actual work. I want to enjoy everyday throughout the week, and not just the weekends! But anyways... here is the first volume of Wednesday Rambles.

Two weeks ago at church after our pastor had given his message he challenged us to read Luke and Acts to be prepared for the next weekends message. His message was really intriguing and I wanted to be prepared for the next service! So I started reading Luke, and boy have I enjoyed it. I have read numerous chapters in one sitting and continue to learn new things and be reminded of so much! 
I have also recently gotten back into writing in my prayer journal. I forgot how much more connected I felt in my prayers when I wrote them down, and I am so glad that I started doing it again!
I only have 5 more days left with the boys this summer. And that is absolutely crazy to me! Where did July go? Where has the summer gone? I start my senior year of college so so soon and I am not sure I am ready for it! It is definitely going to be a tough one, but I believe it will be a memorable one.
I have taken the boys I nanny to Barnes&Noble quite a few times. For some odd reason they love going and looking at all the books - even though the oldest can barely read - and I get so excited about the books that will be in my future classroom. The books I will read to my students or the books that they will read on their own. The book that will be their favorite or the first one that they read on their own. I haven't been a reader until lately, but I can't wait to see my future students reading in my classroom. #TeacherProbz
Hopefully my first volume of Wednesday Rambles was interesting and gave you all little insight to what all is happening in my life right now! I am going to sit down when I get a chance and try to plan out an actual schedule of posting because I want to continue with this blog life, because I have really enjoyed it!

Have a great night & a blessed rest of your weeks!

July 20, 2014

Living in the Kingdom Era

At the beginning of the month I finally purchased a book I had been wanting to get, 30 Days to Understanding the Bible by Max Anders. I first heard of the book from my friend and was very intrigued by it. I have heard bits and pieces of certain stories of the bible, but could not tell you specifics of who did what. This has been something that Satan has held in front of me because I did not know these stories. I could not tell you specific names or places mentioned in the bible. And so I decided it was about time to get to knowing what these stories were so that I could know them and kick Satan in the butt.

The book goes through the different types of books in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and then goes on to describe the eras in each. I have gotten through the Exile Era in the Old Testament and have been really impressed with myself in how I have managed to understand and remember the material. There are great charts to help the reader memorize each of the eras, along with the main figure, location, and a short sentence that helps to summarize what happened. 

While I was at the beach I read about the Kingdom Era, which is during the books 1 Samuel through 2 Chronicles. I also read 2 Timothy in the same sitting, and boy let me tell you, they both clicked for me and correlated with one another more than I thought possible.

During the Kingdom Era, the kings of Israel were wanting total freedom, but they did not realize that there was no such thing as total freedom. "They wanted the freedom to ignore the directives God had given them on how to rule and wage war. But at the same time, they wanted the freedom to have economic and military prosperity. This was not possible." This got me to thinking that we are just like these kings of Israel because we want it all too. We want the freedom to do as we wish with our life, but we still want God to sit back there just in case something goes wrong so that He can forgive us again and we can have a moment of realization that our sins were wrong, even though we will go right back to sinning. Our lives are just like the Kingdom Era, "very turbulent" and "with many ups and downs." 

Then I got into reading 2 Timothy and was reading about how we should not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, but that we should share the power of God (2 Timothy 1:8) and that the Lord will give us understanding in everything (2 Tim. 2:7). Being reminded of these two things before I had even finished 2 Timothy had me realize that I don't have to be like the kings of Israel in the Kingdom Era. Having freedom to do the things I want because I am a sinner and disobey what The Lord has given me is no reason to go through ups and downs in life, especially without my Lord. If I had the freedom to do as I please with no consequence (sin) I would not have the chance to have the Lord help me to flee from my youthful passions (2 Tim. 2:22), my sins, so that I can live a faithful life glorifying Jesus. 

While reading 2 Timothy, Paul ripped open my heart to help me realize that this is not my life, this life I have been given is meant to glorify our Lord, Jesus Christ. I am supposed to flee my youthful passions, preach the word: be ready in season and out of season; rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching" (2 Tim. 4:2), and do the work of an evangelist. He then ends his letter with this wonderful passage, "But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen." 2 Timothy 4:17-18. By doing Gods will and sharing His love and His word to His people, He will protect me from every evil because He loves me.

Friends, I hope today that you take a minute, and remind yourselves of what we are here on this earth for, not to take part in our favorite idols, but to glorify our Lord and to bring all of his sons and daughters to Him so that we can all live eternally with Him in heaven. And just tonight in church I was reminded that we are supposed to humble ourselves just like "He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross" (Philippians 2:8). I want to think of myself less so that I can let Jesus in more and think of others more, just like He does for us. 

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, 
a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth." -2 Timothy 2:15

July 12, 2014

A Beach Hello!

Hello friends!

I am just stopping in to give a quick update. I am currently at the beach with my mom. We got here Thursday and were unable to layout yesterday (Friday) due to rain... which might I add is in the forecast for everyday. 

I have traveled so much this year and am so grateful to be able to, but let me tell you I am ready to be home! I am definitely a homebody. 

But since I still have five more days I am going to try to enjoy it the best I can. And relax before I have to go back to nannying. And when I get back we will have a little over a month left until school... Crazy! 

Have a great weekend everyone! 

July 4, 2014

Simply Faithful is 1!

It was this time last year that I started my blog. I had been reading blogs for a while now and decided I wanted to try it out for myself. I started out very basic, just trying to figure out my place on the internet. I had the standard design that blogger offers and never went deeper than what I was actually doing during the days/summer. Now I've grown into having my own blog design (made by Victoria), planning posts, and becoming a better writer.

My first post.

Goals for my 2nd year of blogging:
-Become closer to other bloggers. I see this community that other bloggers have and the friendships that they have made, with someone they may not have even met in person before and it inspires me to become closer to the bloggers I follow. I have kept to myself a lot in this year and have not taken advantage of this amazing blogging community, and all of the encouragement it has to offer.

-I also want to do a series/link-up with someone, such as read a book and share weekly thoughts/answer questions. I notice from reading and taking part in other bloggers series/link-ups how inspiring they can be and how much you can learn from others how to be a better christian and how to live life for Jesus. All I want is to share my faith and the love of Jesus with everyone.

-Go deeper in my blog posts. I have yet to go deeper in describing my testimony or hard times I have had, etc. and I feel that God wants me to use this blog to encourage others. And to encourage others I need to get into my experiences, my feelings, flaws, thoughts, etc. to be able to share with others and realize that I am or have gone through what they may go/are going through. I want to become someone who is an encouragement to others, I want to be an inspiration to others as bloggers I follow have been to me. I want to encourage people to live for Jesus!!

I am so excited to see what the second year of blogging brings. I pray the Lord inspires me, brings friendships, and covers my blog and what I write in His presence. I pray that I keep my focus on Him while I try to encourage others and bring the love of Jesus into their life.

Thank you for reading my posts. Thank you for the support, the love, and the inspiration that I have experienced from each of you. I may not get many comments or talk to many bloggers, but I have felt love, respect, and support over this past year.