My first post.
Goals for my 2nd year of blogging:
-Become closer to other bloggers. I see this community that other bloggers have and the friendships that they have made, with someone they may not have even met in person before and it inspires me to become closer to the bloggers I follow. I have kept to myself a lot in this year and have not taken advantage of this amazing blogging community, and all of the encouragement it has to offer.-I also want to do a series/link-up with someone, such as read a book and share weekly thoughts/answer questions. I notice from reading and taking part in other bloggers series/link-ups how inspiring they can be and how much you can learn from others how to be a better christian and how to live life for Jesus. All I want is to share my faith and the love of Jesus with everyone.
-Go deeper in my blog posts. I have yet to go deeper in describing my testimony or hard times I have had, etc. and I feel that God wants me to use this blog to encourage others. And to encourage others I need to get into my experiences, my feelings, flaws, thoughts, etc. to be able to share with others and realize that I am or have gone through what they may go/are going through. I want to become someone who is an encouragement to others, I want to be an inspiration to others as bloggers I follow have been to me. I want to encourage people to live for Jesus!!
I am so excited to see what the second year of blogging brings. I pray the Lord inspires me, brings friendships, and covers my blog and what I write in His presence. I pray that I keep my focus on Him while I try to encourage others and bring the love of Jesus into their life.
Thank you for reading my posts. Thank you for the support, the love, and the inspiration that I have experienced from each of you. I may not get many comments or talk to many bloggers, but I have felt love, respect, and support over this past year.
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