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November 3, 2016

New 101 in 1001

Happy Thursday! A few days ago I shared with you all an update on my 101 in 1001 challenge that ended on September 28th. One reason I loved having this challenge was because they were goals that I could make for myself over the months and the years that this challenge was going on since it was throughout 1,001 days. Towards the end of the challenge I realize
d how I made quite a few goals that were not practical or weren't actually obtainable at this current season in my life. It made me want to start a new list of practical goals that I actually thought I could accomplish within this new time frame and this season in my life. So, I am so excited to share my new list with you all!

Start Date: November 1, 2016
End Date: July 29, 2019

1. Read whole bible
2. Read 12 books in 12 months
3. Memorize scripture each month: 33 months total (0/33)
4. Meditate on that scripture each month
5. Prioritize morning quiet time
6. Volunteer five times (0/5)
7. Start a prayer journal for my children
8. Start praying for guidance for when and where to adopt from, if it's Gods will
9. Finish 30 Days of Understanding the Bible by Max Anders

For Others:
10. Pay for someone in the drive thru
11. Send Birthday Cards to Friends/Family
12. Take a meal to someone that just had a baby
13. Host a holiday party
14. Reconnect with an old friend
15. Send four care packages (0/4)
16. Send someone on a surprise trip (I know who, just don't want them to read this)
17. Host a bible study in our home for married couples

18. Celebrate 2, 3, and 4 years of marriage
19. Have our first baby
20. Have date nights more frequently
21. Take a cooking class
22. Take a weekend getaway
23. Read the Christmas Story every year leading up to Christmas
24. Do an Advent Devotional each year
25. Do Lent- Don't take something away, instead add a habit/help others
26. Celebrate Reese's 25th Birthday (Feb. 2017)
27. Go camping
28. Go hiking
29. Take Tucker hiking
30. Take Tucker camping
31. Go on a picnic
32. Start putting money aside for an adoption

33. Unplug from social media for five weekends (0/5)
34. Start running
35. Run a 5k (maybe a 10k?)
36. Complete a 30 day fitness challenge
37. Go to a yoga class
38. Go to a pure barre class
39. Get two massages (0/2)
40. Get pedicures more frequently
41. Do something fun for my 25th Birthday (Mar. 2018)
42. Learn how to curl my hair (to my liking, lol)
43. Finish watching Nashville
44. Give up fast food for three different weeks, at least (0/3)
45. Give up fast food for one whole month
46. Continue perfecting my handlettering
47. Learn what blood type I am

48. Pray about where the Lord wants me
49. Be obedient with what the Lord has planned
50. Complete any extra schooling I may need (masters for teaching)

51. Do a series with another blogger
52. Update my blog design
53. Have a guest write on my blog
54. Write on another persons blog
55. Make Friday posts every week
56. Start doing monthly goals again
57. Do five OOTDs (0/5)
58. Complete a year recap for each full year of this challenge (2016, 2017, 2018)
59. Start a blogging calendar/prep for each month
60. Inspire someone to start a blog

61. Go out to the west coast (Seattle, LA, San Fran, San Diego)
62. Go out of the country
63. Go to NYC during Christmas time
64. Fly a kite
65. Go to the drive in
66. Go hiking with friends/bible study girls
67. Visit 5 new cities
68. Go on a cruise
69. Go to the Grand Canyon
70. Go to Yellowstone
71. Try 5 new restaurants in Lexington (0/5)

72. Get a DSLR
73. Learn to use DSLR
74. Get a new computer
75. Learn how to design blogs
76. Learn how to edit photos/make collages for blogging
77. Make photo albums- honeymoon, 1st year of marriage, 1st year anniversary trip
78. See a broadway show (Wicked)
79. See The Rockettes in NYC
80. Do DIYs (0/3)
81. Make my own devotional
82. Start recipe box
83. Find signature lip color
84. Become First Aid Certified
85. Pay off all my student debt
86. Pay off all of our debt combined
87. Get a tattoo
88. Get a new car
89. Buy a house
90. Learn how to make spaghetti sauce from scratch
91. Collect an ornament from each place we travel to
92. Learn how to arrange flowers
93. Plant a garden that thrives
94. Update my passport with my new last name
95. Get wedding pictures printed on canvases to hang
96. Decorate kitchen
97. Perfect my cleaning schedule
98. Stick to that cleaning schedule
99. Go to a woman's UK Basketball game
100. Unsubscribe from emails I don't want to receive
101. Wake up for a week without hitting the snooze button, do this four times (0/4)

What would you put on your 101 in 1001 list?! If you have a list, I would love to see what you're trying to accomplish and encourage you.

November 1, 2016

101 in 1001 Update

Happy November! So excited for this month to be here. October flew by, but I am excited for the holiday season to be upon us. Now if the weather here in Kentucky would just act like it was fall!

My first 101 in 1001 list ended on September 28th, and I hadn't done an update on it in awhile so I decided to share with you all things I have accomplished.

101 in 1001 Update:
2. Read- I read Lets All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs. She is such a great author, and I feel like I am right there with her listening to her stories. Definitely check her out if you haven't yet!

6. Baptize someone- In March I was able to baptize one of my girls that I led in a bible study through my college fellowship that I was apart of and now lead as a community leader. It was so amazing to see her grow so much and to see what the Lord is doing in her life!

42. Meet a blogger- In April I was able to meet Megan from Simply, Meg (she hasn't blogged in awhile, but that's okay). We had a wonderful time talking about everything at our favorite place, Starbucks. We are so similar and I cannot wait to meet up with her again!

55. Go camping- For our anniversary we went to Charleston and on the way back we stopped in the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee and camped. We slept in our ENOs and it was definitely a new adventure for me not being in a tent, but I did have fun and can't wait to camp again. 

70. Get a puppy- On August 24th, 2016 my dream came true of getting a puppy. We weren't sure if we wanted to get a dog from the shelter or one that was bred, and realized that we needed to look around often at shelters because puppies were adopted very quickly. One day we went to our local shelter, saw Tucker, and couldn't leave with out him. We've had him for a little over 2 months, and we have loved every second of it. I will definitely be doing a post about what its like to have a puppy soon!

71. Exercise more often- At the beginning of this summer I definitely was exercising at least 3 times a week. I would just look up YouTube videos and watch them. One girl I really liked was Love Sweat Fitness. She had a lot of options and variety for every area that you would need to work out. The videos weren't too long and I could easily do them at home with some dumbbells. 

Stay tuned for a new 101 in 1001 coming later this week! Cannot wait to see what I accomplish in this next one.

What are some goals that you want to accomplish? 
Do you have a 101 in 1001 list??