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September 10, 2016

The Blogtember Challenge: Day 11- Favorite Instagrammers!

Happy Sunday! First off, I want to send my prayers to anyone who may be having a difficult time with 9/11 today. I cannot believe that that was fifteen years ago. It's definitely something that brings us all together here in the United States. I urge you to enjoy time alone with the Lord today and praise Him for all that He has given you/done in your life!

Sunday, Sept. 11: Round up of your favorite Instagrammers! Who should we follow?

Let me just say that I LOVE INSTAGRAM! I am not a Twitter person, tried that and I'm really not a Facebook person except for the times when I want to see/post multiple pictures. So this post today is right up my alley, and I have quite a few people to share with y'all!! 

These instagrammers that I am going to mention are typically bloggers as well! They definitely inspire me and make me want to be more adventurous, spiritual, a better woman, a better wife, make me want to have kids, etc. etc. I love seeing what they share on a daily basis. The first three ladies that I am mentioning have all started their own business, and its definitely something I aspire to do and have on my goal list in my life!

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Nicole Cole- Nicole and her husband have a photography/video productions business called 314 Productions. If I lived closer to her, I would have definitely used them for my wedding and for all future things. They also are adopting a baby and are pregnant with one! I just have always learned so much about the Lord from Nicole, and the way she lives her life is so pure and centered for the Lord. Definitely go check her out, your heart will thank you! 

Instagrams: @nicolevcole & @314productions

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Gretchen Saffles- Founder of Life Lived Beautifully. She is amazing! She is so inspiring and just wants to pour Jesus' love into everyone around her. She is always pouring scripture out to her readers and followers. Such a blessing in my life, and truly inspiring for me. I would love to one day write up a devotional like she has done for us ladies! Please, please go check her out and her items that she works so hard and puts so much love and Jesus into. 

Instagrams: @gretchensaffles & @lifelivedbeautifully

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Rachel Cox- Rachel blogs and also has become a BeachBody Coach. I love her as a coach because she wants to share Jesus through her business and coaching. She wants ladies to learn to glorify the Lord through their health/fitness. So inspiring and good for our souls! Please go check her out. 

Instagrams: @mrsrachelcox & @wholeandfree_

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Bailey- Well who wouldn't love Bailey? She's planned out this Blogtember Challenge for us and I'm loving it! She is so creative and makes me want to get my creative juices flowing. Bailey just seems like such a fun person, and now she's a teacher (Go Teachers! Elementary Ed Teacher right here!) She also seems so devoted and motivated to things that she works on. She just is someone who I am always so excited to see her Instagram/Blog posts.

Instagram: @lovebaileyjean

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Ashlyn Carter- I found her somehow on YouTube. She is a mom of three and makes videos about pretty much anything. She loves the Lord and is so open and honest with her viewers about how she is feeling and what the Lord is teaching/showing her during this time in her life. 

Instagram: @ashlyncarter

Hopefully I shared someone new to you all, but these girls are so awesome they may already be on your list!

Who are your favorite instagrammers?! 

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