Todays prompt: A farewell coffee date. Take some time to breathe, sip a warm drink, and share with your new blogging buddies. If you'd like a prompt: how did the Blog-tember Challenge go for you? Any surprises? What was your favorite prompt, or what would you like to see included next time?
If we were to be sitting down together at this very moment I would have to say to you how sorry I am for not keeping up with The Blog-tember Challenge every single day. And that I get on myself about keeping up with things and procrastinating. But I would also say that it wasn't like I wasn't doing anything... I had school, work, and other things to do. I would say that on the other hand, I am kind of impressed with how much I did post this month. This is the most I have ever posted in one month.
If we were sipping on our coffee together, I would have to tell you that I definitely cannot wait until the next month of prompts that I decide to be apart of. It truly stretched my thinking and made me more accountable to my blog, even though I failed at posting the second half of the month. I would have to tell you that I did have to think about myself in ways I hadn't before, or hadn't wanted to/let myself.
I would tell you that I want to be able to post on a regular basis. That I truly loved connecting with the blogging community when I could. That I do want to pursue blogging more seriously. But I would also tell you that I had a hard time getting my "juices" flowing to write a post. I would tell you that I would love to write posts that may be more in-depth and not so much surface level. I love connecting with y'all and our favorite things, but I truly want to influence someones life in a deep way.
I would tell you that, to be honest, I am glad September is over because I felt guilty every day for not being able to sit down and write a post. (And I am throwing this post together in about 10 minutes before I leave for bible study.)
What did you learn about yourself during The Blog-tember Challenge? Did you have a hard time like I did keeping up with the posts/finding time to write? Any tips for keeping up with posts?
Aw I love this! Girl we are so very similar! xo