Hi friends! I hope everyone is doing well and had a great start to March! I love March. It's my birthday month (March 5th) and March Madness! I wanted to share with you all just a few of my goals for March and also give an update on how I am doing on my 2016 goals.
March Goals
-Find a photographer to take pictures for our first year of marriage.It's crazy that we have already been married for 8 months! In just 4 short months, a full year of marriage will have flown by... but seriously, it has gone so fast. We aren't going to be taking a huge one year anniversary trip like most people do, so I decided that what I really want to do is get pictures taken. I love having pictures of us, so I've decided to make this a priority for March!
-Make a cleaning schedule.
I hate always having so many chores to complete on the weekend, and typically they don't even get completed because all I want to do is relax. Anyone have any tips/schedules that they use for cleaning throughout the week and the month??
-Make an effort to get back into blogging.
I feel like I say this all the time. But lately I have been extremely motivated to blog and to try to make something of this space I have here. So, I will try my best!
Update on 2016 Goals
-Eat healthier: We are trying our best, this is not something that can be quickly changed. The last two weeks of February I was sick, so 1) I didn't want to cook and 2) I wanted comfort food.-Premake lunches: I have gotten a lot better at this. I premade my lunches on Sunday for this week. Last week I prepped for the week on Tuesday. I at least will make my lunch the night before if I do not get to it sooner.
-Read 5 books: Almost finished with book #1- Let's All Be Brave by Annie Downs.
-Get a job: About midway through January I accepted an interventionist position and started at the end of February. It has definitely been nice being in the same school everyday and having a schedule. I still will be looking for a full time teaching position for next year though. But I am beyond grateful for this job and know that it was all in the Lord's timing.
Also, I would love it if we could encourage each other on reading through the bible chronologically. It is a daunting task cause we all know that the Old Testament is just hard to get through sometimes, and it's even harder to find the motivation to read. I want to make sure that don't make excuses, because I have more than enough time to sit down and read. Anyone else need encouragement in this area? I would love for us all to work together and help one another.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful start to the new month. And I hope to see you all here soon for my next post! :)