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January 8, 2016

2016 Goals

Happy 2016 friends! I am excited for the new year and what it is going to bring. My attitude has definitely changed since I started subbing (in November) and it has made me excited and have a more positive outlook on life and what I opportunities I have been given. 2015 was a great year and I accomplished quite a bit of important things, but I am excited for 2016 is going to bring me and I have a lot of things that I would like to do. Also in 2016 is the end date of my "101 in 1,001" list (September 28, 2016). I know that I won't accomplish everything on that list, but I would love to accomplish as much as I can! So, here are my goals for 2016. These are just the goals that I have for myself because my husband and I have goals together as a couple for our marriage, but I believe that those are more personal goals.

So here is my list of goals for 2016:
-Run a 5k

-Eat healthier: I want to portion control and make smoothies. Both Reese and I tend to fill up our plates and eat everything, which ends up making us both stuffed and we end up eating too much, which is not healthy for us! And I want to make smoothies because I tend to not like breakfast foods and I think that make smoothies would definitely be a good alternative and be healthier.

-Premake my lunches: I want to make my lunch at night so that I am not rushing the next morning and end up not having a lunch to eat.

-Read 5 books

-Read through the entire bible: I plan on reading through it chronologically

-Read "Wife After God" Devotional: Started beginning of January

-Memorize 12 scripture verses {1/12}:
1. Proverbs 3:24

-Finish "30 Days of Understanding": I believe that finishing this prior to reading through the bible will help me to have a better understanding of the context while I am reading through the bible. So my goal is to first read "30 Days" and then begin reading through the bible.

-Get a teaching job: Please pray for me on this one. I know that everything is in Gods hands and will turn out the way that he has planned for it to.

What are your goals for 2016? How to you hold yourself accountable to complete them?

Hope everyone has a wonderful 2016, and know that God has everything already planned for you and your life!

January 4, 2016

Answered Prayers

You guys, I have never experienced answered prayers as I had last night. For a while now I have been either having nightmares and/or been thinking that someone is breaking into our home. I'm not quite sure why I have these feelings/nightmares, but they sure do not help me to want to go to sleep at night.

Last night I was especially nervous because I had had a rough night the night before. Reese and I read at night together and I had already planned that I would write out a prayer when we were done so that hopefully I would not have anymore dreams. WELL, God knew exactly what I needed and brought it to me while I was reading, before I had even gotten around to writing out my prayer.

Reese and I switch off and on from reading, and last night it was my turn to read the daily Proverbs chapter... which was Proverbs 3 since it was January 3rd. I had already had this chapter all marked up, but it wasn't until I got to verse 24-26 that I realized it was exactly what I needed.

"If you lie down, you will not be afraid;
when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet."
-Proverbs 3:24

You all, I couldn't even read through the rest of this chapter without stopping and just crying because The Lord had already showed me that if I give all my problems to Him, he will take care of them. You guys, I have never truly felt as if the Lord had truly listened to me and my prayers, or that He was going to answer them. Now I know that the Lord answers prayers in His own ways and timings, but this was just perfect timing. I was dreading going to sleep, and I needed to get good rest because it was back to subbing the next morning, and the Lord knew that I needed sleep. He brought me a verse that I now have memorized, and helped me get rest and find peace in Him. 

All I can say is praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him!

They sang "Great is Thy Faithfulness" at church yesterday, and now I just want you all to take your time, rest in Him and enjoy the fact that Our Lord is so great!